Page 9 - ATD05March2016
P. 9

                                                                                                                   Saturday 5 March 2016

4 Catholic nuns, 12 others killed in Yemen retirement home 

AHMED AL-HAJ                    of Kolkata, said the mem-       Yemeni security forces gather outside an elderly care home af-                 northern region, where
Associated Press                bers of the charity were        ter it was attacked by gunmen in the port city of Aden, Yemen,                 Shiite rebels are in control,
SANAA, Yemen (AP) —             “absolutely stunned” at         Friday, March 4, 2016. Unidentified gunmen stormed a retire-                   has been struck by an ex-
Gunmen in southern Ye-          the killing.                    ment home run by Catholic nuns in the southern city of Aden                    tensive air campaign by
men on Friday stormed           “The Sisters were to come       on Friday shooting more than a dozen people to death, includ-                  a Saudi-led coalition. The
a retirement home run           back but they opted to          ing several Indian nuns, Yemeni security officials and witnesses               southern region, which is
by a charity established        stay on to serve people” in     said.                                                                          controlled by the interna-
by Mother Teresa, killing       Yemen, she added.                                                                                              tionally-recognized gov-
16 people, including four       She also said that two of                                                              (AP Photo/Wael Qubady)  ernment backed by Saudi
Catholic nuns, officials and    the killed nuns were from                                                                                      Arabia, is suffering from a
witnesses said.                 Rwanda and the other two        lessness after a Saudi-led els last summer.                                    power and security vacu-
The killing spree began         were from India and Ke-         coalition recaptured the Yemen’s civil war has split                           um.
with two gunmen who first       nya.                            city from Shiite Houthi reb- the country in two. The                           The Islamic State group
surrounded the home for         Earlier, Yemeni and Indian                                                                                     and Yemen’s al-Qaida af-
the elderly in Aden. Mean-      officials reported that all                                                                                    filiate have exploited the
while, four others entered      four killed nuns were In-                                                                                      lawlessness and created
the building on the pre-        dian but such conflicting                                                                                      safe havens in the south.
text they wanted to visit       information on casualties                                                                                      Al-Qaida controls several
their mothers at the facil-     is not unusual in the chaos                                                                                    southern cities while IS has
ity, according to the char-     of Yemen’s civil war. India’s                                                                                  claimed responsibility for a
ity, Yemeni security officials  foreign ministry had initially                                                                                 wave of deadly attacks in
and witnesses. The officials    cited information it got                                                                                       Aden, including a suicide
spoke on condition of ano-      from its embassy in Yemen.                                                                                     bombing that killed the
nymity because they were        Vikas Swarup, the spokes-                                                                                      city’s governor and several
not authorized to speak to      man of India’s External                                                                                        assassination attempts on
the media.                      Affairs Ministry, said the                                                                                     top officials.
The gunmen then moved           attackers had asked the
from room to room, hand-        guard to open the gate on
cuffing the victims before      the pretext of visiting their
shooting them in the head.      mothers at the retirement
A nun who survived and          home.
was rescued by locals said      “On entering inside, (they)
that she hid inside a fridge    immediately shot dead the
in a storeroom after hear-      gatekeeper and started
ing a Yemeni guard shout-       shooting randomly,” he
ing, “Run, run.”                said, adding that the as-
Khaled Haidar told The          sailants escaped soon af-
Associated Press that he        ter the attack.
counted 16 bodies, includ-      The bodies were trans-
ing that of his brother, Rad-   ferred to a police station
wan. All had been shot in       and then a hospital run by
the head and were hand-         the aid organization known
cuffed. He said that in ad-     as Doctors Without Borders
dition to the four nuns, one    or MSF. An official with MSF
Yemeni cook, and Yemeni         confirmed that 15 bodies
guards were among those         had arrived at the hospi-
killed.                         tal. Haider said his family
He said that his family was     took his brother’s body for
the first to arrive at the      burial.
house and that he spoke         There were around 80 resi-
to the surviving nun, who       dents living at the home,
was crying and shaking.         which is run by Missionaries
Haidar said that his family     of Charity, an organization
later handed her over to        established by Mother Te-
a group of southern fight-      resa. Missionaries of Char-
ers in charge of security in    ity nuns also came under
the local Aden district of      attack in Yemen in 1998,
Sheikh Osman.                   when gunmen killed three
Sunita Kumar, a spokes-         nuns in the Red Sea port
woman for the Missionaries      city of Hodeida.
of Charity in the Indian city   Aden descended into law-
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