Page 11 - ATD05March2016
P. 11

                                                                                                                           Saturday 5 March 2016

Uribe: Colombia President Santos ordered brother’s arrest

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)           Friday’s tweet is the for-                                                                                       ranch in northern Antioquia
— Former Colombian Presi-       mer leader’s first public re-                                                                                    state. Santiago Uribe has
dent Alvaro Uribe is accus-     sponse after the arrest of                                                                                       long denied any involve-
ing his successor of orches-    Santiago Uribe on Monday.                                                                                        ment in the murders while
trating the arrest of Uribe’s   The brother is accused of                                                                                        former President Uribe has
brother to squash dissent.      involvement in murders                                                                                           long asserted his brother’s
The two politicians were        and forced disappear-                                                                                            innocence and accused
once close but are now bit-     ances while helping form a                                                                                       his successor, Juan Man-
ter rivals.                     far-right death squad in the                                                                                     uel Santos, of wielding
                                                                                                                                                 the threat of prosecution
Thousands of Puerto Rico inmates                                                                                                                 against his brother to sty-
cast votes for Republican primary                                                                                                                mie the rise of his conser-
                                                                                                                                                 vative Democratic Center
DANICA COTO                     talking with other inmates.                                                                                      movement.
Associated Press                                                                                                                                 President Juan Manuel
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)      “The deficit we have right      This photo shows Santiago Uribe, brother of former President                     Santos said on Thursday
— Thousands of inmates                                          Alvaro Uribe, in Medellin, Colombia. Santiago Uribe was arrested                 that the times when gov-
lined up in prisons across      now is incredible,” he          on Monday, Feb. 29, 2016 on charges that he created and led a                    ernment institutions were
Puerto Rico on Friday to                                        death squad in the 1990s.                                                        used for political perse-
cast early ballots in the       said after ducking into                                                                                          cutions had passed and
U.S. territory’s Republican                                                                                           (AP Photo/Luis Benavides)  would not come back.
primary, some saying they       a cardboard structure
hoped the elections can
help lift the island out of an  covered with a plastic
economic crisis.
At least 6,500 of the           curtain to cast his vote.       1990s.  plotted dozens of slayings
island’s 11,500 prisoners
are registered to vote,         “Something needs to be          The death squad allegedly from an Uribe family cattle
and government officials
said this year’s turnout was    done, or otherwise we’ll
strong. Even prisoners not
registered are allowed to       sink.”
participate in the open
primaries, which are held       One man in his 30s told poll
two days ahead of the vote
for the general population.     workers he could not read
The Republican primary is
Sunday while Democrats          and asked them to read
vote in June.
Some said they were             the names aloud until he
prompted to vote by
Puerto Rico’s decade-           recognized his choice.
long economic woes and
concerns for relatives          Puerto Rico has allowed
who have left for the U.S.
mainland, seeking jobs.         inmates to vote since
“I wanted to take action
this time,” said Omar           the 1980s, though they
Quintana, 37, a first-time
voter who is serving a six-     make up a tiny share of
year sentence for robbery
at Institution 1072 in          the overall electorate. On
Bayamon, just southwest
of the capital of San Juan.     the mainland, only the
“Maybe this will improve if
we become a U.S. state.”        U.S. states of Maine and
Like others, he declined to
say who earned his vote,        Vermont let inmates vote.
but said he made up his
mind after watching two         “This is a democracy, and
televised debates and
                                everyone should be able to

                                exercise their right to vote,”

                                said Edgardo Rodriguez,

                                46, another first-time voter.

                                “Puerto Rico needs help. ...

                                The crisis is choking us.”

                                Puerto Rico residents

                                cannot participate in

                                general  presidential

                                elections but can do so

                                in primaries. Puerto Rico

                                sends 20 delegates to the

                                Republican convention,

                                three of them super

                                delegates already backing

                                Marco Rubio, who visited

                                the island in September

                                and plans to do so again

                                briefly on Saturday.

                                None of the inmates

                                interviewed revealed their

                                choice of candidate, but

                                they all agreed on one

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