Page 10 - ATD05March2016
P. 10


WORLD NEWSSaturday 5 March 2016

Japan PM suspends work on US base on Okinawa                                                                                                             Tibetan in India
                                                                                                                                                        immolates self in
Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga, left, talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during their                            area on the island.             protest of China
meeting at Abe’s official residence in Tokyo Friday, March 4, 2016. Abe said Friday he has decided                      Onaga later flew in to To-
to temporarily suspend preliminary work on moving a U.S. Marine Corps base on Okinawa and                               kyo and held talks with         NEW DELHI (AP) — A
will resume talks on the contentious relocation plan. The central government and Okinawa’s                              Abe at his office, both con-    16-year-old Tibetan living
prefectural government have been locked in a legal battle over relocating the base, with both                           firming to follow the court     in India has died in a New
sides suing the other. Onaga last year issued an order to suspend permission for the reclamation                        proposal and abide by           Delhi hospital three days
work.                                                                                                                   any subsequent court de-        after he set himself on fire in
                                                                                                                        cisions related to their legal  a protest against Chinese
                                                                                   (Kimimasa Mayama/Pool Photo via AP)  dispute. Onaga welcomed         rule, a hospital official said
                                                                                                                        Friday’s decision by both       Friday. The Tibetan suffered
MARI YAMAGUCHI                   with both sides suing the       summer’s parliamentary                                 sides as “very significant.”    burns over 98 percent of his
Associated Press                 other.                          elections.                                             Abe said the plan to even-      body and died late Thurs-
TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s             Abe said that his govern-       Okinawa Gov. Takeshi                                   tually move the base to         day, said Pankaj, an offi-
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe        ment is accepting a court       Onaga last year issued an                              the town of Henoko is un-       cial at New Delhi’s govern-
said Friday he has decided       proposal not to force the       order to suspend permis-                               changed. The relocation         ment-run Safdarjung hospi-
to temporarily suspend pre-      reclamation work over           sion for the reclamation                               is based on a 20-year-old       tal. Pankaj uses one name.
liminary work on moving a        Okinawa’s objections. The       work. Then the central gov-                            bilateral agreement to re-      The Tibetan set himself
U.S. Marine Corps base on        court in February made          ernment sued to reverse                                duce the burden of the          on fire on Monday in the
Okinawa and will resume          the proposal as an interim      the order, to which Okina-                             U.S. military presence on       northern Indian city of Deh-
talks on the contentious re-     step allowing talks. Details    wa counter-sued, seeking                               Okinawa. Opponents want         radun and was brought to
location plan.                   of the proposal were not        a court injunction.                                    the base moved off Oki-         New Delhi for treatment. It
The central government           made public. The sudden         The work involves filling in                           nawa entirely, and a pros-      was the second such pro-
and Okinawa’s prefectural        reversal of his policy to con-  part of a bay to create off-                           pect for a compromise is        test this year, seen as an
government have been             tinue with the reclamation      coast runways for Futenma                              still unclear, though Okina-    extreme expression of the
locked in a legal battle         work is seen as an attempt      air station, which is now in                           wa is expected to drop the      anger and frustration felt
over relocating the base,        to win votes ahead of this      a more densely populated                               lawsuit. Abe said he wants      by many Tibetans living
                                                                                                                        to avoid leaving the situa-     under heavy-handed Chi-
                                                                                                                        tion deadlocked “for years      nese rule. A Tibetan Bud-
                                                                                                                        to come, a development          dhist monk self-immolated
                                                                                                                        that nobody wants to see.”      and died on Monday near
                                                                                                                        In Washington, State De-        the Retsokha monastery in
                                                                                                                        partment spokesman John         western Sichuan province’s
                                                                                                                        Kirby told reporters Friday     traditional Tibetan autono-
                                                                                                                        that the U.S. understands       mous prefecture of Kardze,
                                                                                                                        that the Japanese govern-       Radio Free Asia reported.
                                                                                                                        ment took its decision af-      It said the monk called out
                                                                                                                        ter careful consideration.      for Tibetan independence
                                                                                                                        He said the allies remain       while he burned, and died
                                                                                                                        committed to the planned        on the way to a hospital
                                                                                                                        base relocation.                in the provincial capital
                                                                                                                        America’s top military offi-    of Chengdu. Tibetan ex-
                                                                                                                        cial in the Pacific said last   ile sources say at least
                                                                                                                        month that the relocation       114 monks and laypeople
                                                                                                                        plan has been pushed            have self-immolated over
                                                                                                                        back by two years until         the past five years, with
                                                                                                                        2025 from the current tar-      most of them dying. Radio
                                                                                                                        get, because of delays          Free Asia puts the number
                                                                                                                        from the disputes.              of self-immolations at 144
                                                                                                                                                        since 2009. Tibetan monks
Nigeria:                                                                                                                                                and nuns are among the
                                                                                                                                                        most active opponents of
Military shuts cattle market ‘financing’ Boko Haram                                                                                                     Chinese rule in the region
                                                                                                                                                        and the strongest propo-
ISMAIL ALFA                      sions and economic strain       Umar Adamu, chairman of                                zation has 12,000 members       nents of Tibet’s indepen-
MICHELLE FAUL                    in a city overrun by war        the United Butchers’ Asso-                             and the butchers’ more          dent identity, prompting
Associated Press                 refugees, and is increasing     ciation.                                               than 200,000.                   the authorities to subject
MAIDUGURI,  Nigeria  (AP)        animosity toward the mili-      Maiduguri’s was the last                               A senior military officer said  them to harsh and intrusive
—  Nigeria’s  military has       tary, according to people       major cattle market oper-                              butchers and traders were       restrictions. Beijing blames
closed one of Africa’s big-      interviewed by the AP.          ating in the region, where                             involved in “shady deals”       the exiled Tibetan spiritual
gest cattle markets, charg-      Some 20,000 cattle and          the insurgency has closed                              with Boko Haram. He spoke       leader the Dalai Lama and
ing sales of stolen animals      goats locked into the main      at least eight others, said                            on condition of anonymity       others for inciting the im-
is helping finance Boko          abattoir are dying from         Musa Abdullah of the Cat-                              because he is not autho-        molations and says it has
Haram’s Islamic insurgen-        lack of water and food, ac-     tle Traders’ Union. Traders                            rized to speak to reporters.    made vast investments
cy, according to angry resi-     cording to Abubakar Abba        came from southern  Nige-                              Resident Abubakar Maina,        to develop the region’s
dents who say thousands          of the Livestock Traders’       ria as well as West and Cen-                           who has not eaten meat          economy and improve
of people have lost jobs,        Union.                          tral African nations.                                  for days, said the military     quality of life. The Dalai
beef is no longer available      The closure is affecting        “This clampdown has af-                                should target suspects, not     Lama says he is against
and animals are dying in a       markets as far away as La-      fected thousands of truck                              punish everybody.               all violence. He fled Tibet
sealed abattoir.                 gos, the commercial capi-       drivers, loaders, butch-                               Beef is a major source of       to India in 1959 amid an
The three-week-old closure       tal more than 1,500 kilome-     ers, even water sellers ...                            protein in Nigeria. In Maidu-   abortive uprising against
of the market in Maidu-          ters (940 miles) southwest      the consequences will be                               guri, those who can afford      Chinese forces who had
guri, the main city in north-    of Maiduguri, where cattle      devastating,” Abdullah                                 it are buying fresh and fro-    occupied the Himalayan
east Nigeria, is piling on ten-  prices are rising daily, said   warned, saying his organi-                             zen fish at inflated prices.    region a decade earlier.
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