Page 6 - ATD05March2016
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U.S. NEWSSaturday 5 March 2016

American Living:

Oregon teen pursues ballerina dream at Russia’s Bolshoi academy 

LYNN BERRY                        are alike in some way in        U.S.-Russian relations and                             emy, outnumbered among          apartment two blocks from
Associated Press                  how they approach what          the strong anti-American                               the foreign students only by    the academy, which has
OREGON/MOSCOW (AP) —              they do.”                       sentiments in Russian soci-                            the 28 from Japan, with the     allowed Harper to move
Among the dozen 15-year-          The Bolshoi took notice of      ety.                                                   rest coming from 22 other       out of the dormitory.
old girls in lavender leotards    Harper during a summer          Harper, though, says she                               countries. Some of the for-     At the end of each day,
in Tatyana Galtseva’s class       program it held in Con-         feels accepted by her                                  eign students took part in      Baumann talks to her
at the Bolshoi Ballet Acad-       necticut and offered her        classmates. Her teacher                                the spring concert on Thurs-    daughter about what she
emy, one is different. And        a place in the Moscow           concurs, noting that just                              day evening, and Harper         learned in class and logs
it’s not just because of her      academy. She knew her           that morning some of the                               was among the few girls         onto Skype so Harper’s fa-
long, swan-like neck.             teachers would be tough         other girls had brought her                            from her class chosen for       ther can join the conver-
She is Harper Ortlieb, an         and that it would be a          a skirt to wear over her leo-                          two of the dances.              sation from their home in
                                                                                                                         “Preparing for a perfor-        Mount Hood, Oregon, 11
In this photo taken on Thursday, March 3, 2016, Harper Ortlieb, from Mount Hood, Oregon, warms                           mance, it’s all you think       time zones away.
up for a performance at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Moscow, Russia. Among the dozen 15-year-                           about. It kind of overtakes     In addition to her dance
old girls in lavender leotards in Tatyana Galtseva’s class at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy, one is dif-                    your mind,” she said. “Pre-     classes, Harper has Russian
ferent. She is Harper Ortlieb, an American, who left her small town in Oregon to move to Moscow                          paring for exams, I’m al-       language lessons every
to follow her dream of becoming a prima ballerina.                                                                       ways very nervous. There’s      day at the academy. For
                                                                                                                         a lot of stress. But with that  her other subjects, she does
                                                                                    (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)  stress, you know, comes         online classes in the eve-
                                                                                                                         happiness and you feel          nings and on weekends.
American, who left her            challenge to be so far          tard because they were ex-                             overjoyed when you’re           On Sundays, her only day
small town in Oregon to           away from home, but it has      pecting a visit to the class                           dancing, you forget about       off, she and her mother of-
move to Moscow to follow          been even harder than she       by foreign journalists.                                everything, you forget          ten explore their new city.
her dream of becoming a           expected.                       In her Moscow neighbor-                                about the sacrifices you        They also have already
prima ballerina.                  “It’s been very difficult, but  hood, the women in her                                 make, you forget about the      seen more performances
The prestigious academy           with that comes strength        favorite grocery store have                            pain, or the tears. Dancing     at the Bolshoi Theater than
has 84 foreigners among its       and with that I improve,”       taken a shine to the deli-                             is what makes me happy,         most Russians see in a life-
721 students, but few are         Harper said. “I feel like I     cate American teen, help-                              no matter how much you          time.
accepted when they are            came here to get better,        ing her pick out fresh fruit                           have to sacrifice.”             Harper started ballet at a
as young as Harper and            to improve, not only tech-      and keeping her favorite                               Her teacher believes Harp-      local dance school when
few are integrated into the       nically but emotionally so      almond butter stocked.                                 er has what it takes to be      she was 3 years old. When
regular Russian program.          when I dance people see         And in the local Starbucks                             a classical ballerina, pos-     she turned 11, she was
“She is a very gifted girl. She   something.”                     they have learned to spell                             sessing not just the neces-     accepted to the School
is all ballet, all inspiration,”  One concern for her par-        her unusual name on her                                sary physical and aesthet-      of Oregon Ballet Theatre
Galtseva said. “When chil-        ents in the decision to send    cup.                                                   ic qualities but the will to    in Portland, a three-hour
dren are talented, regard-        their daughter, then 14, to     A total of 17 Americans                                learn.                          roundtrip journey that she
less of their nationality, they   Moscow was the strain in        study at the Bolshoi acad-                             “She is extraordinarily at-     and her mother made six
                                                                                                                         tentive,” Galtseva said.        days a week.
                                                                                                                         “She is always smiling. Such    “Being 3 in ballet class, it’s
                                                                                                                         a sweet, wonderful girl.”       fun and games,” Harper
                                                                                                                         If Harper wants to be one of    said, smiling at the recol-
                                                                                                                         those rare foreigners who       lection. “My teacher was
                                                                                                                         receive a diploma from the      wonderful, it was so much
                                                                                                                         Bolshoi Ballet Academy,         fun. And then once I got
                                                                                                                         she has three more difficult    more professional I realized
                                                                                                                         years ahead. But now she        how much you have to
                                                                                                                         has her mother back by her      sacrifice, and how difficult
                                                                                                                         side.                           it is.”
                                                                                                                         Harper’s mother, Layne          She talks about learning
                                                                                                                         Baumann, made two trips         to deal with the pain of
                                                                                                                         to Moscow after she and         wearing pointe shoes and
                                                                                                                         her husband, Tim Ortlieb,       the constant feeling of
                                                                                                                         dropped off their only child    doubt that she’s not good
                                                                                                                         in September. In Febru-         enough.
                                                                                                                         ary, Baumann decided to         “And I’m not good enough.
                                                                                                                         move to Moscow at least         I mean, I’m not,” Harper
                                                                                                                         for the rest of the school      said. “We have to wait. I
                                                                                                                         year, and she now rents an      have to work harder.”
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