Page 13 - ATD05March2016
P. 13
Saturday 5 March 2016
Carnival Cruise Line Awards De Palm Tours as Leading
Tour Operator
ORANJESTAD – For the sec- company that receives the tions staff as well as to our actual award from Carni- to your strong leadership
ond year in a row De Palm highest ratings from both guides and other frontline val. and the sense of direction
Tours has received the their passengers and on- staff who are responsible Carnival Cruise Lines’ Vice that you provide. There is
prestigious award for “The board shore excursion staff for delivering the experi- President Amilcar Cascais no doubt that your com-
Caribbean’s Leading Tour for shore excursions con- ences to our customers. and Director Product De- pany’s recent achieve-
Operator” from Carnival ducted the previous sea- Without them this would velopment, Erika Tache ment will be spoken of for
Cruise Line which makes son. have been possible”, says said, “Your company’s po- some time to come and
De Palm the leading pro- Warren Stanley, General sition as a leading provider that the admiration for your
vider of shore excursions for “Carnival ships call year- Manager of De Palm Tours. of shore excursions and accomplishments will be
Carnival Cruise passengers round to Aruba so you A ceremony will be held on your reputation for first- felt by all within the cruise
visiting Aruba. have to be on top of your board one of the Carnival class service are attributed industry.”q
Every season Carnival game constantly and con- ships where representatives
Cruise Lines recognizes the sistently. All credit to our of de Palm will receive the
cruise planning and opera-