Page 12 - ATD05March2016
P. 12


WORLD NEWSSaturday 5 March 2016

Murder trial of Suriname president resumes, then halts again 

PIETER VAN MAELE                dants despite a November         tary dictator in the 1980s       parliament. Two years later,                                   place. Witnesses in the trial
Associated Press                ruling to the contrary by        avoided trial until Novem-       lawmakers passed an am-                                        have disputed that claim.
PARAMARIBO, Suriname            the high court. He said that     ber 2007 on charges stem-        nesty law and proceed-                                         In November, the Court of
(AP) — The long-stalled         an amnesty law passed in         ming from the abduction          ings were put on hold in a                                     Justice agreed with a chal-
murder trial of Suriname        2012 remains in force and        and summary execution of         decision that outraged hu-                                     lenge to the applicability
President Desi Bouterse for     could only be revoked by         15 prominent political op-       man rights activists. Bout-                                    of the amnesty law filed by
the deaths of political op-     parliament or by conven-         ponents, an event known          erse, who was re-elected                                       relatives of the slain oppo-
ponents in 1982 briefly re-     ing a constitutional court.      locally as the “Decem-           by parliament last year, has                                   nents and it directed the
convened Friday — only to       “The law is hard, but it is the  ber killings” that stunned       accepted what he called                                        attorney general to resume
be put on hold again until      law,” Elgin said. The presid-    the lightly populated na-        “political responsibility” for                                 proceedings.
at least May. Prosecutor        ing judge, Cynthia Valstein-     tion on the northern tip of      the killings by the military of                                Hugo Essed, a lawyer for
Roy Elgin told the court that   Montnor, said she would          South America. The for-          the well-known journalists,                                    the families of the victims,
there were no legal bases       rule on the argument on          mer strongman returned           lawyers and union leaders                                      said there was no legal ba-
to proceed with the trial of    May 6. Bouterse and 25 al-       to power in 2010 when he         but said he was not present                                    sis to halt the case once
Bouterse and 25 co-defen-       lies from his time as a mili-    was elected president by         when the executions took                                       again. q

Brazilian police question ex-president in corruption probe 

MAURICIO SAVARESE               Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva speaks during a press conference at the Workers                              zilian reais ($8.12 million)
JENNY BARCHFIELD                Party headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Friday, March 4, 2016. Brazilian police acting on a warrant                             in payments for speeches
Associated Press                questioned the former president and searched his home and other properties, in the most recent                                   and donations to the Insti-
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Bra-      development yet in the sprawling corruption case at the oil giant Petrobras.                                                     tuto Lula by construction
zilian police pulled former                                                                                                                                      firms that have been cru-
President Luiz Inacio Lula                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Nelson Antoine)  cial players in the Petro-
da Silva in for questioning                                                                                                                                      bras corruption scheme.
and searched properties         his nickname, suggested          tions on three occasions         In a statement, Silva’s suc-                                   They were also looking
connected to the leader         that the country’s elite is out  and would have done so           cessor, President Dilma                                        into whether renovations
and his family on Friday,       to “criminalize the Work-        again without a police es-       Rousseff, expressed her                                        and other work at a coun-
drawing the country’s most      ers’ Party, criminalize Lula     cort, if asked.                  “total non-conformity” with                                    try house and beachfront
towering political figure       (since) they could want to       “I felt like a prisoner this     the police action, which                                       apartment used by Silva
closer to the sprawling cor-    continue in power.”              morning,” he said. “I think      she called “unnecessary.”                                      and his family constituted
ruption case centered on        Silva said he already an-        I deserved more respect          Officials said they were                                       favors in exchange for po-
the oil giant Petrobras.        swered investigators’ ques-      than that.”                      looking into 30 million Bra-                                   litical benefit.
Police turned up early Fri-                                                                                                                                      “No one is exempt from in-
day at addresses belong-                                                                                                                                         vestigation in this country,”
ing to Silva, including his                                                                                                                                      said public prosecutor Car-
residence near Sao Paulo                                                                                                                                         los Fernando dos Santos
and the Instituto Lula, his                                                                                                                                      Lima. “Anyone in Brazil is
nonprofit organization.                                                                                                                                          subject to be investigated
Acting on a summons, po-                                                                                                                                         when there are indications
lice took Silva to the fed-                                                                                                                                      of a crime.”
eral police station at Sao                                                                                                                                       The so-called Car Wash in-
Paulo’s Congonhas airport,                                                                                                                                       vestigation targets a cor-
where he was questioned                                                                                                                                          ruption scheme at Petro-
for about four hours and re-                                                                                                                                     bras which saw construc-
leased.                                                                                                                                                          tion companies and oth-
Silva reacted with indigna-                                                                                                                                      ers pay billions in bribes to
tion, denying any wrong-                                                                                                                                         score contracts from the
doing and saying the Petro-                                                                                                                                      oil company. It already has
bras corruption case has                                                                                                                                         ensnared some of Brazil’s
become a political witch                                                                                                                                         richest and most powerful
hunt targeting him and his                                                                                                                                       businessmen, as well as top
governing Workers’ Party.                                                                                                                                        politicians from across the
Silva, referring to himself by                                                                                                                                   political spectrum.q

Deadly prison unrest in Guyana ends in truce with inmates 

BERT WILKINSON                  Georgetown. Public Secu-         more than an hour.               erally causing disturbances                                    prisoners remained hospi-
Associated Press                rity Minister Khemraj Ram-       Authorities agreed to im-        at the facility in the heart                                   talized. Ramjattan said the
GEORGETOWN, Guyana              jattan and State Minister        prove the food and in-           of the city. “This was a very                                  board would also look into
(AP) — Prisoners in the         Joseph Harmon met with a         crease the number of             useful meeting with the                                        overcrowding and other
capital of Guyana agreed        dozen prisoners, who said        telephone calls allowed to       prisoners,” Harmon said. “A                                    conditions at the facility.
Friday to end disturbances      their fellow inmates would       families and to work with        prison is not a five-star hotel                                Officials say the unrest be-
that led to the deaths of 17    agree to stand down in ex-       the judiciary to speed up        but we have to have some                                       gan Wednesday when in-
inmates in a fire after the     change for basic improve-        trials for prisoners who often   minimum standards.”                                            mates set fires during a riot
government agreed to im-        ments, officials said.           wait years for their cases to    The government has set up                                      as guards seized drugs, cell-
prove conditions in the fa-     “We have agreed to keep          be heard, Ramjattan said.        a board of inquiry to look                                     phones and other items.
cility. The truce followed a    our end of the bargain and       In turn, the prisoners agreed    into the circumstances of                                      On Friday, before the truce,
third straight day of unrest    they have agreed to keep         to cease rioting, setting fires  the deadly fire on Thursday.                                   five police officers and
inside what is known locally    theirs,” Harmon said after       to beds, hurling rocks and       Authorities raised the death                                   guards were hospitalized
as the Camp Street Prison in    meeting with prisoners for       objects at guards and gen-       toll to 17. At least seven                                     after clashes with prisoners.
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