Page 344 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 344
Needleless Connector Change
Do Don’t
• Cleanse junction of connector • Open connection between
and catheter with alcohol wipe catheter and needleless
for 15 seconds and let dry. connector without
thoroughly cleansing the
• Use a new alcohol wipe and
junction (refer to Nurse
wrap around the connection
Advisor article regarding IV
until disconnecting connector
and catheter. Caps)
• Have the patient hold breath or
exhale when changing the
needleless connector.
Wash hands.
Don clean gloves.
Utilize aseptic no-touch technique throughout procedure.
Clean needleless connector with 70% alcohol wipe vigorously for 15-20
Attach 10 mL syringe containing 0.9% NaCl.
Flush 2 mL, then aspirate and check for blood return.
Once blood return present*, continue to flush remainder of saline.
Remove syringe.
Attach 10 mL syringe containing Heparin prescribed dose (10 or 100
units/ mL Heparin concentration, 3-5 mL volume) and flush catheter.
After flushing, place pressure on syringe plunger and clamp catheter at
same time.
Remove syringe.
*If no blood return, but catheter flushes easily continue heparinization and notify physician. Document
physician communication.