Page 388 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 388


                             Hand Hygiene

                             Must Be Performed:

                             1. Before entering/re-entering the clinician bag
                             2. Before and after direct patient contact
                             3. Before donning gloves
                             4. After removing gloves
                             5. Before preparing medications
                             6. Before and after performing a procedure (for example wound care, trach
                             7. Before and after handling an invasive device (for example, Foley
                             8. Before moving from a contaminated body site to a clean body site (for
                                example, wound care to trach tube)
                             9. After contact with bodily fluids, mucous membranes or non-intact skin


                            I. Soap and Water

                               Ask the patient, “May I wash my hands?”

                                  • Hand hygiene should be performed in the bathroom sink.
                                  • If not possible and there are hygiene concerns,
                                    document and contact your manager.

                               Wet hands with water

                               Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces


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