Page 392 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 392


                              VISIT BAG “DIRTY AREA” VS. “CLEAN AREA”

                             CLEAN AREA                        DIRTY AREA
                              Inside closeable areas of the bag  • Outside of the bag
                              What's included in these areas
                                Patient care items             • Compartment for hand hygiene items
                                • Items used on multiple patients
                                    o Stethoscope
                                    o Oximeter
                                    o Goniometer
                                • Single use items and personal protective
                                   equipment (PPE)


                              KEEPING THE VISIT BAG CLEAN

                              Keep the bag in a “clean” area
                                  • Free of food, dirt and items that could promote bacterial growth- in your car
                              Patient Home
                              Place bag in a “clean” area
                                  • Clean hard surfaces or on paper towel
                                  • Hanging on the back of a chair or door knob
                                  • Keep bag away from bugs, pets and places where there is a high bacterial
                                    burden: e.g., floors, dirty furniture
                              Special Circumstances
                                  • Contact Precaution: Use the MRSA Kits provided. Do not use your
                                    computer, Blood Pressure cuff and/ or thermometer. Also, do not have the
                                    patient sign the tablet.
                                  • Bed Bugs: put on your Personal Protective Equipment outside of the home,
                                    encase the bag in a large plastic bag- leave in hallway or just inside the
                                    patients home

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