Page 394 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 394


                              BAG COMPARTMENTS

                              Equipment /Tools are to be stored in three closed compartments

                              Compartment I – Cleansing Supplies  Compartment II – Documentation
                              1. Paper Towels                   1. Tablet
                              2. Liquid Soap                    2. Adaptor
                              3. Antiseptic Hand Rub            3. Paperwork
                              4. Cleanser/Towelette
                              5. Hand Lotion
                              6. Alcohol Swabs/prep pads


                              BAG COMPARTMENTS (CONT)

                             Compartment III- Medical Supplies

                             1. Aprons**                       15.Sterile Cotton Tipped Applicators
                             2. Bandage Scissors               16.Sterile Cotton Tipped Applicators
                             3. Digital Thermometer/Sheaths    17.Stethoscope
                             4. Flashlight**                   18.Suture Removal Set**
                             5. Gloves: Sterile & Non- Sterile  19.Syringe: Safety Lok: Insulin 1cc
                             6. Goggles                           (29x1/2”)
                             7. Gown                           20.Syringe: Safety Lok: 3cc (22x1 ½”;
                             8. Lancets, Unistik                  25x 55/8”)
                             9. Measuring Tapes (Paper)        21.Syringe: Safety Lok 10cc (21 x
                             10.Personal Protective Equipment     11/2”)**
                             11.Sphygmomanometer               22.Syringe: Safety Lok 1cc (27 x ½”)**
                             12.Staple Removal Set**           23.Syringe: Safety Lok 5 cc (21 x 1 ½’)**
                             13.Sterile 4x4                    24.Tape (Medical)
                             14.Sterile Barrier                25.Tape Measure (vinyl)**
                                                               27.Urine Container, Sterile**

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