Page 389 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 389


                            I. Soap and Water

                               Rub hands together, assuring adequate cleansing of all
                                 surfaces by rubbing for at least 20 seconds:
                                  • Palm to palm
                                  • Right palm over back of left hand with interlaced
                                    fingers and vice versa
                                  • Backs of fingers and nails
                                  • Left palm clasped in right palm with a circular motion
                                    and vice versa
                                  • Rinse hands with water
                                  • Dry hands thoroughly with a single use towel
                                  • Use the towel to turn off the faucet


                              II. Alcohol-based Rub

                                  • Cup your hand.
                                  • Apply a palm-full of hand rub fluid/gel into cupped
                                  • Rub hands together, assuring adequate cleansing of all
                                    surfaces by rubbing:

                                     o Palm to palm
                                     o Right palm over back of left hand with interlaced
                                       fingers and vice versa.
                                     o Palm to palm with fingers interlaced
                                     o Backs of fingers (finger nails) in opposing palm
                                     o Rotational rubbing
                                     o Allow hand to air dry


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