Page 393 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 393


                              KEEPING THE VISIT BAG CLEAN

                              Clean the visit bag with a disinfectant inside and out:
                                  • Periodically and when visibly soiled

                              Do not contaminate the patient’s home with your bag…

                                  • Put the bag on your patient’s bed

                                  • Place rolling wheels on patient’s furniture

                              Keeping the visit bag clean

                                   Principles of bag technique for electronic devices:

                            Cleanse hands between patient care and
                            touching keyboard/device

                            Wipe down device and keyboard with a
                            disinfectant wipe at least once a day and
                            more often if contaminated

                                                             Keep the device in a separate bag, or
                                                             in a separate compartment, where it
                                                             does not contaminate patient care

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