Page 456 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 456
Key Points
The nurse may pre-pour medications for a patient with
physical or cognitive impairments to assist
patient/family/ caregiver with medication management
Pre-pouring a medication requires a physician’s order
Pre-pouring medications is not a skill reimbursable by
Key Points
The nurse must document interventions attempted with
the patient/family to ensure patient's safe self-medication
(e.g., use of written reminders, telephone reminders, etc.)
should be reflected in the patient record):
• Patient/family/caregiver unable, unwilling, or unavailable to assist
the patient in taking medications or pre-pouring medications must
be documented
• Prior to initiating medication pre-pour, the nurse must determine
that pre-poured medications can be safely stored in the home
• Patient's physical or cognitive impairments must be clearly
documented in the patient record either in the initial assessment or
subsequent progress note(s).