Page 460 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 460


                            MEDICATION ADHERENCE STRATEGIES

                               Link self-administration of medications with regular
                                 activities of daily living, e.g., meals, bedtime, awakening,
                                 favorite TV shows etc.

                               Confer with the physician to address methods of
                                 simplifying medication regimen, i.e., where possible,
                                 substituting daily dosage schedules or substituting solid
                                 for liquid medications, use of long acting medications



                               Name(s) of all medications with dose, frequency, route of
                                 administration and amount of days pre-poured
                               Name of the individual, if any, who assists patient with the
                                 administration of pre-poured medications.
                               Self directing status of the patient

                               Patient's response to pre-pour regimen and effectiveness
                                 of pre-pouring
                               Instructions given to patient/family/caregiver; their
                                 understanding of instructions and ability to give return


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