Page 11 - IP3A 011 The Nile River 정원영
P. 11

The Egyptians came to see the Nile as a

      gift to them sent by the godssince it was

      what the Egyptian civilization was mainly

      based on, being mostly farmers.

      Ever since 1970, the Nile does not flood

      any longer because the Aswan Dam was


      This dam was built to hold back the high

      levels of river water during the rainy

      seasons then make it availableduring times

      of drought. The dam also provides large

      amounts of electrical power.

      Besides providing Egyptians with rich,

      black soil, the Nile gave them other ‘gifts’

      as well, such as water for cooking, cleaning

      and helping grow animals. Fish was also

      very abundant in the Nile.
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