P. 9

We view ourselves as an ideal teacher that the school needs because in the

               classroom we embraces the change 4IR brings into the classroom Once a

               week we allow the learners to use mobile devices to complete activities and

               do research and we meet them halfway by buying data and using hotspot so

               that they can have access to internet and while they do that we move around

               checking if the learners are doing what they should be doing and this will

               help prepare the learners for their future careers and integrating technology

               into the classroom has been effective as it allows the learner to connect with

               different learning styles. Learners are ecstatic whenever they are allowed to

               use  their  gadgets  as  they  do  not  normally  get  the  opportunity  to  do  so.

               Learners also develop digital citizenship skills when they are taught using

               technology. The learners have access to information quicker and teaching

               using  technology  breaks  the  traditional  way  of  teaching  using  chalk  and

               chalkboard, it allows the learners to engage with learning meaningfully.
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