Page 1 - Annual Report Department of Teacher Education CSU 2016
P. 1
Summer 2016
Department of
Teacher Education
Annual Report for The Department of Teacher Education is committed to high quality educator preparation resulting in
candidates who will teach in high need schools and districts. Our work together this past academic year
Academic year 2015-2016
brought progress on many fronts. With the start of the Fall 2016 academic year, we have new
opportunities to continue to improve our scholarship, teaching, and service. Faculty are integral to
ensuring that the department remains a highly effective center of teaching and learning. The following
lists priorities that are critical to our continued success:
Effective Communication and Advising – Meeting the academic and instructional needs of our
candidates is one of our hallmarks. Initiatives are in place to provide continued support and timely
responsiveness to students. A few of our efforts include, maintaining regular faculty office hours to
provide additional support to our candidates, consistent use of the flag form to assist with documenting
formal concerns regarding professional dispositions of our candidates and the continued use of
technology to ensure accessibility to information and timely responding to student concerns. In
Professor & Chairperson addition, the department established a student resource room and recognized candidates who
Tachelle Banks, PhD demonstrated strong professional dispositions.
Academic Excellence and Student Success - We have highly knowledgeable and skilled faculty
teaching in every program offered through Department of Teacher Education. Our licensure programs
Department of Teacher integrate early field experiences that promote content attainment, practices and pedagogy, and strong
Education Programs connections between theory and practice. Bridging this gap by immersing students in clinical settings at
the onset of their professional programs will result in high quality teacher candidates who are prepared
Adolescent/Young Adult Education to teach in high need school settings. Positive student evaluations confirm our commitment to ensuring
Early Childhood Education quality instruction across Teacher Education programs.
Financial Stewardship – We have re-established our commitment to ensure proper use of student lab
Intensive English Language Program fees. We made tremendous progress last year by standardizing the process and streamlining courses that
Literacy Education require lab fees. We are ensuring that students receive the direct benefit of lab fees. In addition,
departmental funds were utilized to support increased faculty scholarly productivity in the areas of
Middle Childhood Education
research, teaching and service.
Special Education Collaborative Departmental Culture – Collaboration is seminal to the work that we do in the
Teaching English to Speakers of Department of Teacher Education. We will continue to hold joint department meetings to facilitate co-
Other Languages (TESOL) planning of our clinical educator preparation programs and to discuss critical issues facing the College.
Program Coordinators will continue to meet each semester to ensure proper management of Teacher
Education programs.
Endorsement & Certificate Community Resource – We have worked to increase the visibility of the Community Learning Center
Programs and other community-based programming to better serve surrounding neighborhoods, children, youth
and families. Funding was provided to extend tutoring programming in the Central Neighborhood
4th/5th Grade Endorsement
community. The Central Neighborhood Tutoring program begins Fall 2016. In addition, faculty serve
Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate as liaisons and faculty-in-residence providing direct instructional support to P-12 students and teachers
BCBA Certification in our partnership schools.
Distinctive Image - We continue to update our department and program websites, showcase the work
Early Childhood Intervention of faculty and students, and improve the branding of our clinically–based educator preparation
Specialist Masters Degree programs which are designed to better prepare candidates for teaching in high need schools and
Middle Childhood Endorsement districts.
Reading Endorsement
I am thankful that we have such talented and dedicated faculty and staff. Cleveland State University is a
TESOL Endorsement wonderful place to be and being Chair of the Department of Teacher Education continues to be a
wonderfully educative experience. I appreciate your continued efforts to work with me in our
Julka Hall 302 development of high quality teacher candidates. Together, I know we will continue to provide an
2485 Euclid Avenue exceptional teaching and learning environment and experience for our candidates. Here’s to another
successful academic year.
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-4600 Tachelle