Page 6 - Annual Report Department of Teacher Education CSU 2016
P. 6
Budget Report:
Annual Year 2015-2016
Department of Teacher Education Statement of
The Department of Teacher Education’s budget was primarily allocated to salaries and fringe benefits (0100 lines).
The Department was also allocated funds for supplies (0300); Info & Communications (0500); and Maintenance
(0600). Miscellaneous funds are reserved to compensate for the previously identified budget lines and to support
faculty with additional travel, technology, and graduate assistant requests. We received carry forward funds from the
previous fiscal year of approximately $131,634. This figure included continuing education funds from our ESL
program and a commitment from the Dean. Overall, the Dean committed $113,370 to the department.
Miscellaneous funds were used to support additional travel for faculty, publication fees, marketing, and student
scholarships. The following tables provide a review of last year’s budget (July 2015—May 31, 2016). Please note
that carry forward funds have yet to be determined for the 2016–2017 academic year.
Department of Teacher Education
Bottom Line Budget Allocation
As of May 2016, the total spent, $10,000.00 $17,900.00 Supplies
excluding salaries, was $45,000.00 $1,859.00
$159,496. $1,000.00 Info &
Overall Lab Fee Balance: Maintenance
Endowment Account: reserved
for purchasing instructional tech- Dean Commitments
Food Fund: furnishes light
refreshments for departmental Department of Teacher Education
Total Expenses
As of May 31, 2016
$31,528.00 Supplies
Sunshine Fund: furnishes gifts
of sentiment for departmental fac- $4,299.00 Travel
ulty, instructors and staff. $58,256.00
Info &
$142 Communication