Page 4 - Annual Report Department of Teacher Education CSU 2016
P. 4
Full-time Faculty 2015-2016
Early Middle Adolescent/
Childhood Childhood Young Adult Education Education
Education Education Education
Grace Huang Ron Abate Clifford Bennett Sarah Hamsher Paula Chan
Judith Poluga James Kilbane Molly Buckley Terri Purcell Cynthia Dieterich
Pourdavood Trisha Long Robert Ferguson Anthony Menendez
Wheatley Patrick Wachira Joanne Goodell Amanda Yurick
Debbie Jackson
James Moore
Kate O’Hara
New 2016-2017 Full-time Faculty Professional Biographies
Dr. Andrei is an assistant professor of TESOL at Cleveland State University. Her
previous work experiences include serving as an English as a foreign language
Elena teacher in her native Romania and as an ESL teacher and ESL school program
coordinator in North Carolina. Her research interests include second language
Andrei, PhD literacy, teacher education, and non-native English speaking teachers. Dr. Andrei has
been recently named one of the 30 Up and Coming TESOL leaders and professionals
by TESOL International Association.
Dr. Capanegra has been teaching foreign languages, TESOL, and Spanish as a
foreign language for more than twenty years, specializing in classroom research
Ana including reading to writing, hybrid classes, classroom pedagogy, integration of the
Capanegra, four skills, and use of authentic materials. She has coordinated Spanish programs,
created and developed an interdisciplinary Spanish Minor. Dr. Capanegra has
PhD participated in the ACTFL Workshop 4-Day OPI Assessment (Spanish) and is
currently working towards the certification.
Dr. Northrop is a former literacy specialist and middle school teacher, with research
Laura interests in struggling readers, literacy instruction and educational policy. Most
recently, she helped implement a digital literacy program using iPads in a PreK-Grade
Northrop, 5 elementary school. Her policy research has focused on teacher attrition,
PhD instructional practices, and cumulative disadvantage in literacy. She is currently
working on research examining the opportunity to learn in middle school ELA classes.
Dr. Schaefer is an incoming Assistant Professor of Special Education at Cleveland
State University. He has research interests in peer-training models to support
inclusion of students with severe disabilities in general education settings. He is also
interested in research evaluating evidence-based practice in the preparation and field
Schaefer, supervision of pre-service and novice special educators. He comes from a
background of K-12 classroom teaching for students with severe to profound
disabilities. His recent publications have been accepted at Exceptional
Children, Remedial and Special Education (first author), and Teaching Exceptional
Children (first author).