Page 159 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 159

In addition to examining the frequency of frauds based   The largest losses occurred in purchasing, which had me-
          on their department of origin, we also looked at the losses   dian losses of $1 million for 25 cases. Frauds by executives
          associated  with  frauds  from  various  departments.  The   and upper management were the next highest category at
          following table shows the median loss for fraud schemes   $900,000. Schemes committed by employees in sales, hu-
          based on the department in which the principal perpetra-  man resources and customer service tended to be among
          tor worked.                                     the least costly.

                                           Median Loss Based on Perpetrator’s Department

                             Purchasing (3.0%)                                       $1 million
                        Exec/Upper Mgt. (20.9%)                                         $900M
                           Marketing/PR (1.6%)             $315M $395M      $650M
                Department (percent of cases)  Manufacturing & Production (3.8%)  $138M $213M  $310M
                               Finance (4.1%)
                                 R&D (1.2%)
                        Board of Directors (1.2%)
                                Legal (1.5%)
                            Accounting (30.3%)
                                   IT (2.4%)
                     Warehousing/Inventory (2.8%)
                                Sales (14.0%)
                                  HR (1.8%)   $64M
                        Customer Service (11.2%)  $50M
                           Internal Audit (0.2%)  $38M
                                        $0      $200,000   $400,000  $600,000  $800,000  $1,000,000
                                                               Median Loss

                                                                ACFE Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164