Page 162 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 162

The Perpetrators

                      Categories of Fraud Based on Department

                      For each case in this Report, we compared the type of scheme committed with the department in which the perpetrator
                      worked. The goal was to provide data that could be useful to organizations in structuring their anti-fraud controls by iden-
                      tifying the departments most commonly associated with certain types of occupational fraud.

                      Financial Statement Fraud                               Financial Statement Fraud
                      Financial  statement  fraud  was  the  most  costly  form  of
                      fraud. The median loss in financial statement fraud cas-  Department        Cases     %
                      es was $2 million. Not surprisingly, half of the financial   Executive/Upper Management  49  50.0%
                      statement frauds in our study were committed by execu-  Accounting          17      17.3%
                      tive or upper management personnel. Another 17% were   Sales                11      11.2%
                      committed by accounting employees.
                                                                      Finance                     8       8.2%

                      Corruption                                      Purchasing                  3       3.1%
                      Corruption schemes can be a particularly insidious form   Board of Directors  3     3.1%
                      of  occupational  fraud.  They  generally  involve  collusion   Legal       2       2.0%
                      between an employee and an outside party, and this con-  Customer Service   1       1.0%
                      spiracy serves to undermine the victim’s controls. The me-  Manufacturing & Production  1  1.0%
                      dian loss among cases involving corruption was $538,000
                      — more than three times the median loss associated with   Warehousing/Inventory  1  1.0%
                      asset misappropriations.                        Human Resources             1       1.0%
                                                                      Marketing/Public Relations  1       1.0%
                      Like financial statement fraud, corruption schemes were
                      most likely to be committed by executive or upper man-
                      agement employees. Nearly 30% of corruption cases came         Corruption
                      from  this  group. Accounting  and  sales  departments  to-  Department     Cases     %
                      gether accounted for another 30% of corruption cases.
                                                                      Executive/Upper Management  75      27.9%
                                                                      Accounting                  40      14.9%
                                                                      Sales                       37      13.8%
                                                                      Customer Service            21      7.8%
                                                                      Manufacturing & Production  17      6.3%
                                                                      Marketing/Public Relations  17      6.3%
                                                                      Purchasing                  15      5.6%
                                                                      Finance                     12      4.5%
                                                                      Human Resources             9       3.3%
                                                                      Info Tech                   7       2.6%
                                                                      Board of Directors          6       2.2%
                                                                      Warehousing/Inventory       5       1.9%
                                                                      Legal                       5       1.9%
                                                                      Research & Development      3       1.1%

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