Page 165 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 165

Skimming                                                        Skimming
          Skimming – the theft of unrecorded sales – was also most
          likely  to  be  committed  by  employees  in  the  accounting   Department   Cases    %
          department. Over 40% of skimming cases were commit-  Accounting             59      42.4%
          ted by accounting employees. We also found that approxi-  Executive/Upper Management  32  23.0%
          mately 27% of skimming cases were committed by sales   Sales                27      19.4%
          and customer service employees (who would be in the best   Customer Service  11     7.9%
          position to make unrecorded sales of goods or services).
          We had not expected such a large percentage of skimming   Purchasing        3       2.2%
          cases to be traced to the executive suite.      Manufacturing & Production  2       1.4%
                                                          Board of Directors          2       1.4%
          Non-Cash Misappropriations                      Information Technology      1       0.7%
          Our data on non-cash misappropriations was somewhat   Finance               1       0.7%
          surprising. We had expected that employees in the ware-  Human Resources
          housing, inventory and manufacturing departments would                      1       0.7%
          account for the majority of these frauds, but in reality less
          than 10% of the non-cash frauds we reviewed were traced
          to each of these departments. Instead, executive level em-
          ployees accounted for approximately one-fourth of these   Non-Cash Misappropriations
          cases, and sales departments accounted for another 17%.  Department          Cases    %
                                                          Executive/Upper Management  45      23.7%
                                                          Sales                       33      17.4%
                                                          Customer Service            23      12.1%
                                                          Accounting                  21      11.1%
                                                          Manufacturing & Production  17      8.9%
                                                          Warehousing/Inventory       15      7.9%
                                                          Information Technology      8       4.2%
                                                          Purchasing                  8       4.2%
                                                          Finance                     6       3.2%
                                                          Research & Development      5       2.6%
                                                          Human Resources             3       1.6%
                                                          Marketing/Public Relations  3       1.6%
                                                          Board of Directors          2       1.1%
                                                          Legal                       1       0.5%

                                                                ACFE Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse
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