Page 429 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 429

Size of Organization
                 Small businesses (defined as those with fewer than 100 employees) were victimized in the greatest percentage of
                 cases reported to us, which is consistent with previous Reports. In addition, the median losses for small businesses
                 and the largest entities (those with more than 10,000 employees) were the highest, at $154,000 and $160,000,
                 respectively. While the absolute median loss for the largest entities is slightly higher than that for small businesses,
                 it is important to note that the overall impact of a $154,000 loss for many small businesses is much greater than
                 the relative impact of a $160,000 loss at an organization with more than 10,000 employees.

                  Figure 19: Size of Victim Organization — Frequency

                          <100                                             23.6%        30.8% 31.8%
                   NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES  1,000-9,999                19.5%  22.8%  25.9%  27.9%



                        10,000+                                     19.8% 20.6%                     2014
                                                                     20.6%                          2010
                             0%        5%       10%      15%      20%       25%      30%       35%
                                                         PERCENT OF CASES

                  Figure 20: Size of Victim Organization — Median Loss

                         <100                                           $128,000  $147,000
                   NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES  1,000-9,999           $100,000     $139,000 $150,000   $200,000


                       10,000+                                              $140,000  $160,000     2014
                                                                                    $164,000       2010
                           $0          $40,000       $80,000     $120,000      $160,000     $200,000
                                                         MEDIAN LOSS

                                                                REPORT TO THE NATIONS ON OCCUPATIONAL FRAUD AND ABUSE           25
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