Page 695 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 695

As seen in Figure 28, the          FIG. 28  How does the perpetrator’s level of authority relate to
               length of fraud schemes also       scheme duration?
               tends to rise in correlation with                                           24 months
               the perpetrator’s authority. The                             18 months
               median duration of a fraud
               committed by an owner/execu-              MEDIAN DURATION  12 months
               tive was 24 months, compared
               to 18 months for schemes
               committed by managers and 12
               months for those committed by
               staff-level employees.                         Employee       Manager     Owner/executive

               Perpetrator’s Tenure

               The longer a fraud perpetrator works for a company, the more damage that person’s scheme is likely to cause,
               as shown in Figure 29. Those who had been with the victim organization for at least ten years stole a median
               USD 200,000, which was four times greater than the median loss caused by employees with less than one
               year of tenure.

                             FIG. 29  How does the perpetrator’s tenure relate to occupational fraud?

                                         9%           <1 year             $50,000

              46%                                     1–5 years                    $100,000

                              22%                    6–10 years                                      $190,000

                              23%                     >10 years                                       $200,000

                          PERCENT OF C A SES
                                                                           MEDIAN L OSS

                                                                                                Perpetrators  Report to the Nations     39
   690   691   692   693   694   695   696   697   698   699   700