Page 692 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 692
Internal Control Weaknesses That
Contribute to Occupational Fraud
Various factors can facilitate a perpetrator’s ability to
commit and conceal an occupational fraud scheme.
are more likely than
other perpetrators to
What are the primary internal control weaknesses that override existing
contribute to occupational fraud?
Lack of reporting mechanism, <1%
Lack of clear lines of authority, 2%
Lack of employee fraud education, 3%
Lack of independent checks/audits, 5%
Lack of competent personnel in Employees 15%
oversight roles, 6% Managers 22%
Other, 6% Owner/executives 17%
Lack of internal
controls, 32%
Poor tone at
the top, 10%
Small companies large companies
Override of existing are more likely to are more likely to have
internal controls, 18% Lack of management lack internal controls controls overridden
review, 18%
Internal Control Weaknesses that Contribute to Occupational Fraud
Lack of
controls 28%
<100 employees
Override of 12%
existing 100+ employees
internal controls 20%
Poor tone at the top
was the primary risk factor in 22% of
all financial statement frauds. Sole perpetrators take advantage of a lack of controls,
while schemes involving collusion are supported by poor
tone at the top and an ability to override controls
22% Lack of
internal controls 27%
8% Override of existing 16%
internal controls
Asset Corruption Financial 5% 1 perpetrator
misappropriation statement fraud Poor tone
at the top 14% 2 or more
36 Victim Organizations Report to the Nations