Page 688 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 688

Effectiveness of Anti-Fraud Controls
               While implementing controls to prevent and detect   with a 50% or greater reduction in both fraud losses
               fraud is a necessary part of managing fraud risk, not   and duration: a code of conduct; an internal audit
               all anti-fraud controls are created equally. To help   department; management’s certification of financial
               organizations understand the potential impact of   statements; and regular management review of in-
               various controls, we compared the median losses and   ternal controls, processes, accounts, or transactions.
               median durations of the frauds in our study based   Internal audits and management reviews are both
               on whether each specific control was present at the   mechanisms that can be used to actively look for
               victim organization during the fraud’s occurrence.  fraud, so their correlation with reduced fraud losses
                                                              and duration stands to reason. In contrast, codes of
               For every control we examined, organizations that had   conduct and management certifications of financial
               the control in place experienced smaller fraud losses   statements are less directly tied to fraud detection,
               and detected frauds more quickly than organizations   but both mechanisms likely help increase the percep-
               lacking that control. As seen in Figures 22 and 23,   tion of detection and form the foundation for a holistic
               four anti-fraud controls in particular were associated   anti-fraud culture.

               How has the use of anti-fraud controls

               changed over the last decade?                                          2010    2020   Increase

                                                                           HOTLINE     51%    64%      13%
                Over the last ten years of our studies, four of the
                controls we’ve analyzed have seen a consis-
                tent and notable increase in implementation
                rates. These controls are among those                   ANTI-FRAUD     43%    56%      13%
                most commonly associated with a robust                       POLICY
                anti-fraud program, which indicates that
                increasing numbers of organizations                          FRAUD
                are taking the threat of fraud seri-                 TRAINING FOR      44%    55%      11%
                ously and implementing measures                         EMPLOYEES
                specifically designed to help them
                mitigate these risks.
                                                                   FRAUD TRAINING
                                                                    FOR MANAGERS/      46%    55%      9%

    32    Victim Organizations  Report to the Nations
   683   684   685   686   687   688   689   690   691   692   693