Page 724 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 724


               MIDDLE EAST

               AND NORTH


        FIG. 67  What are the most common occupational fraud     FIG. 68  How is occupational fraud initially
   What are the most common occupational fraud schemes in the Middle East and North Africa?  How is occupational fraud initially detected in the Middle East and North Africa?
        schemes in the Middle East and North Africa?             detected in the Middle East and North Africa?

         Corruption                                             Tip
                                                        52%                                                    46%
         Noncash                                                Internal audit
                                                        19%                                                    17%

         Skimming                                               Management review
                                                        16%                                                     9%
         Cash on hand                                                                                           7%
                                                                Account reconciliation
         Cash larceny                                                                                           6%
                                                         9%     By accident
         Expense reimbursements                                                                                 4%
                                                         8%     External audit
         Billing                                                                                                3%
                                                         8%     Document examination
         Financial statement fraud                                                                              3%
                                                         7%     IT controls                                     2%
         Payroll                                                Surveillance/monitoring
                                                         5%                                                     1%
         Check and payment tampering                            Notification by law enforcement
                                                         4%                                                     1%

         Register disbursements                                 Confession
                                                         2%                                                     1%

    68    Middle East and North Africa  Report to the Nations
   719   720   721   722   723   724   725   726   727   728   729