Page 14 - 2020 BOWA Forum Program
P. 14

2020 Bank On Washington Session Compères



            compères (plural noun) a person who introduces the performers, host.

                                       Ryan Davis
                                       Ryan Davis is the Chair of the Skagit Asset Building
                                       Coalition and Asset Building Coordinator for Community
                                       Action of Skagit County. He has been fortunate to lead
                                       and grow the Financial Empowerment program at
                                       Community Action and revitalize the Skagit Asset Building

                                       Ryan is committed to building holistic financial health
                                       alongside families by partnering with local stakeholders
                                       and meeting people where they are in their journey. The
                                       work of community building and supporting financial
                                       health starts and ends with connections; between
                                       organizations with a shared vision, between ideas that
                                       can be greater than the sum of their parts, and between
                                       people who care about one another.

                                       Tracy Godat

                                       Tracy Godat has supported the Financial Education Public-
                                       Private Partnership (FEPPP) in many roles since early
                                       2007. Tracy is currently the Executive Director of FEPPP
                                       and has a passion for bringing financial education to all K-
                                       12 students through partnerships and collaborative efforts

                                       Tracy Godat was born and raised in Twin Falls, Idaho, and
                                       attended college at Idaho State University.
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