Page 15 - 2022 INA Program Book
P. 15


                                              Robert Hartwig,         Safety Commission. He has also served as an
                                              PhD, CPCU,              adjunct professor at Florida Atlantic University.
                                              Clinical                His professional experience includes expert
                                              Associate               witness testimony and testimony before
                                              Professor,              numerous congressional and state legislative
                                              Finance                 committees. He holds the Chartered Property
                                              Department              Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) credential and
                                              and Director,           speaks frequently in the media on all issues
                                              Center for              related to insurance markets.
                                              Risk and                                    ★★★★
              Management Darla Moore School of Business               Ivy Kusinga,
              at the University of South Carolina                     Senior Vice

              Robert Hartwig (Ph.D., University of Illinois,          President,
              1993) is clinical associate professor of finance        Chief Culture
              and director of the Center for Risk and                 and Talent Officer
              Uncertainty Management at the University                at Chubb
              of South Carolina. His research focuses
              on insurance markets and structures, risk               Ivy Kusinga is the
              management, risk-bearing capital market                 Chief Culture and
              instruments, the financing of technology risks          Talent Officer at
              and venture capital in insurance markets.               Chubb, a global
              He makes frequent presentations to insurance            P&C insurer
              industry management, boards of directors,               serving large corporate, mid-market, small
              regulators, and legislators.                            business, and lower-middle-income to high-
                                                                      net-worth consumers through brokerage,
              Prior to joining the Darla Moore School of              agency, and direct-to-consumer distribution
              Business, he was president and economist for            channels. Chubb has a global geographic
              the Insurance Information Institute in New              footprint in 54 countries.
              York and in prior positions worked for Swiss
              Re, the National Council on Compensation                With 20 years of functional leadership
              Insurance and the U.S. Consumer Product                 experience, Ivy serves as a key architect and
                                                                      trusted advisor to Chubb’s senior management

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