Page 161 - Adopt-a-School Foundation 2016-2017 Annual Report
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          for the year ended 30 June 2017

          1.3   new standards and interpretations

                 In the current period, the Foundation has adopted the following standards and interpretations that are effective for the period ended 30 June 2017 and that
                 are relevant to its operations:

             International Financial Reporting Standards and amendments issued but not effective for 30 September 2017 year-end

                Name of Standard        Effective date          Brief Narration of Standard                  Impact

           Amendments to IAS            1 January 2017  In December 2015 the IASB issued amendments   It is unlikely that the amendment will have
           1,’Presentation of financial                to clarify guidance in IAS 1 on materiality and   a material impact on the company’s annual
           statements’ disclosure initiative           aggregation, the presentation of subtotals, the   financial statement
                                                       structure of financial statements and the disclosure of
                                                       accounting policies.
           Amendment to IAS 16, ‘Property,   1 January 2017  In this amendment the IASB has clarified that the   It is unlikely that the amendment will have
           plant and equipment’ and                    use of revenue based methods to calculate the   a material impact on the company’s annual
           IAS 38,’Intangible assets’, on              depreciation of an asset is not appropriate because   financial statement
           depreciation and amortisation.              revenue generated by an activity that includes
                                                       the use of an asset generally reflects factors other
                                                       than the consumption of the economic benefits
                                                       embodied in the asset. The IASB has also clarified
                                                       that revenue is generally presumed to be an
                                                       inappropriate basis for measuring the consumption
                                                       of the economic benefits embodied in an intangible

           IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments   1 January 2018  This IFRS is part of the IASB’s project to replace IAS   It is unlikely that the amendment will have
           (2009 &2010)                                39. IFRS 9 addresses classification and measurement   a material impact on the company’s annual
           •  Financial liabilities                    of financial assets and replaces the multiple   financial statement
           •  De-recognition of financial              classification and measurement models in IAS 39
             instruments                               with a single model that has only two classification
           •  Financial assets                         categories: amortised cost and fair value.
             General hedge accounting
                                                       The IASB has updated IFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’
                                                       to include guidance on financial liabilities and
                                                       de-recognition of financial instruments. The
                                                       accounting and presentation for financial liabilities
                                                       and for derecognising financial instruments has
                                                       been relocated from IAS 39, ‘Financial instruments:
                                                       Recognition and measurement’, without change,
                                                       except for financial liabilities that are designated at
                                                       fair value through profit or loss.

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