Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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David White, CEO enough for all business leaders to effectively with the likes of of directors, and Mxolisi Miya The simple trade facility aims
DRG Outsourcing understand and engage. Ireland and other countries. joined as SA Chamber KZN to increase trade effectiveness
DRG and BusinessFit are excited chapter leader and Exco member between South Africa and the
Trading internationally serving on the Board Governance
outh requires support from in country to provide guidance to business and Board Membership United Kingdom, and to help
leaders through their networks
make international trade for
African professionals and networks, who and experiences, through the committees. The high-level small and medium enterprises
Sbusiness can assist in understanding local contributors supporting simple
leaders have no legislation requirements, cultural SA Chamber chapter leaders, trade development, which easily possible. There will be
option but to expectations and trends, as well and through other SA Chamber also includes David White as regular transfers of knowledge
members who have experienced
to SA Chamber members
think big and to as providing introductions to
think beyond aligned clients and opportunistic value and opportunity from their SA Chamber’s South African through online and group
country chapter leader, are
meetings, where professional
relationship with SA Chamber
serving only networks. It is said that as much passionate about growing trade
domestic as 98% of new business generated networks and professional opportunities between South business leaders, strategists, and
clients and in service companies is through service providers. Africa and the United Kingdom, technical export/import
specialists will assist by
customers. direct referrals. Consequently, South Africans living abroad and to share their understandings providing best practice advice
They need introducing new business still consider themselves as and networks with all South
to seek ways opportunities through trusted South Africans, and still want to African business leaders wishing on governance reporting
requirements, incentive
of growing and credible partners is critical. work and socialise with South to consider trading abroad.
business This is the work of BFI and the SA Africans. This desire creates the support, and outward-bound
interests abroad, to help grow Chamber in the United Kingdom. perfect opportunity for South Equally so, there are many trade expectations.
and extend our economy and Africans in South Africa to United Kingdom businesses We look forward to expanding
Being informed and
country’s revenue. We do this knowing about existing trade build relationships with South wishing to trade locally in South the SA Chamber’s membership
in two ways, firstly by building opportunities is essential, as Africans abroad, and to work Africa, which can be daunting for through attracting local South
solid business foundations with together in a framework of international companies. South African companies to join
engaged work environments without being ‘aware’, alignment trust and value creation. South Africa has its own uniqueness in the organisation and assisting
with trade opportunities is not
that result in the creation of possible. The SA Chamber has Africans are known all over the meeting local business parameters business leaders to trade
successful and sustainable world for their commitment and and compliance expectations. effectively with organisations in
businesses, and secondly by chapters in all corners of the ingenuity, as well as getting things These include adherence to labour the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom, and in recent
finding new markets for South months has set up chapters in done, being hardworking, and laws, legal requirements, and South Africa needs business
African products and services. entrepreneurially minded. BFI Black Economic Empowerment
Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, and transformation goals. The leaders to consider if their
DRG and BusinessFit are South Africa. As an example and the SA Chamber are perfectly SA Chamber chapters will in businesses could trade effectively
passionate about helping South of local trade opportunities, placed to provide a springboard time be established across the in international markets,
for South African companies
African business leaders with John Mulder is the SA Chamber whole of South Africa, and will where final goods are sold. We
both building a successful and chapter leader in Ireland. On a wishing to trade in the United include government and non- discourage trading raw materials
sustainable business, and helping recent zoom meeting of chapter Kingdom, and beyond. government agencies that support where South Africa buys
them to identify new markets for leaders and Exco members, John DRG has been trading services and welcome trade into South back final products. Trading
their products and services. shared with us the challenges internationally for many years Africa, as well as professional effectively requires business
his organisation (and other and brings into South Africa over service providers such as leaders to also consider what is
We have focused initially on
building trade routes between Irish organisations) is having R100m in foreign currency each accountants, banks, legal firms, best for the country, rather than
year. With more companies like
in importing raw materials,
what makes business sense at a
South Africa and the United B-BBEE specialist and advisory
Kingdom and vice versa, and and some goods and services DRG drawing foreign currency companies, HR service providers, micro level.
opening these doors to new from the United Kingdom. into South Africa, restoring etc. These organisations will help Our current South African
These challenges essentially
balance and growth within our
business opportunities with to provide a solid foundation economic situation informs us
vigour and intent. We have being centered around Brexit, economy will go a long way. DRG of skill and expertise to all that urgent action must be taken
is not the only company trading
and post Brexit ‘new ways of
done this through two channels, doing business’. This challenge successfully on the international international companies wishing to grow our economy, and we thus
first by setting up BusinessFit to trade or consider trading in encourage business leaders to
International (BFI) in the United has opened immediate doors stage, there are many companies South Africa. recognise their role in expanding
doing such work, and we all
to South African companies
Kingdom, and the second through to supply the same goods and need to learn from each of these The SA Chamber chapters will their business operations through
linkages with the South African have a dedicated section within identifying and engaging with
Chamber of Commerce in services into Ireland. Being companies and strive to become the SA Chamber’s website where new opportunities and markets.
part of international networks.
aware of these opportunities
London (SA Chamber). The three SA Chamber members (and
directors of BFI, Charles Henzi, would give business leaders and More South Africans and companies interested in becoming This is best achieved through
Mike Miller, and David White are their teams an opportunity to companies are joining the SA members) will be able to see trade becoming a member of the SA
Chamber of Commerce in the
consider if they are able to export
seasoned business leaders, and are Chamber to take advantage of opportunities that have been
all part of the SA Chamber Exco much-needed raw materials, becoming linked to international identified. This will create the United Kingdom.
team. They contribute through products, and services to Ireland. trade opportunities. Recently our foundation for local South African
encouraging development of South African companies very own KZN business leader companies to consider new For more information please contact
Youshi Naidoo on,
trade channels, and ensuring need to be ready or be in the and industrialist Moses Tembe markets, and to ready themselves Mike Miller on and/or
the process is straightforward process of preparing to trade joined the SA Chamber’s board for these new trade opportunities. Charles Henzi on
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