Page 14 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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                  Johan van Deventer,   idea of being prepared. The truth   wife stepped on a Lego block, well,
                  Regional Manager KZN,    is that if that worker cut his hand   chaos reigns for two minutes and
                   LabourNet          in an unplanned event, he lost   once the dust settles, life simply
                                      control of whatever caused the
                                                                    goes on. Within a few hours the
                        W             cut, it could have been a hundred   entire episode is forgotten as the
                                                                    injuries were minor as well as the
                                      times worse!
                                                                    possible offence committed by
                                        Simply put, if an event is
                         orkplace     unplanned, then clearly the   not packing the Lego away or not
                         accidents    severity and the exposure of that   working with gloves.
                         and          event is also unpredictable.   If the answers are: serious,
                         incidents                                  and a limb is severed, or a cut
                         are the most   Herein lies the problem. When   to the head requires stitches
                         common,      something like this happens in the   and there is blood everywhere,
        yet most ignored source of    workplace, your natural reaction   well, then the situation becomes
        information in the modern     can be summarised in two simple   much more severe and your full
        working world, and I am       questions. Who got hurt and   attention is guaranteed. Once
        desperate to get your attention   how bad is it?  Does that sound   the initial chaos is managed,   serious accident, with the same   to save a life! Investigate every
        and to keep it for the next few   familiar?  When you are at home   you need to investigate and   determination? I am willing to bet,   accident, no matter how small.
        minutes. When this reality hits   and you hear your child scream,   establish what happened to   that in many instances, you will   Create a culture of near miss
        you, it will change the way you   but you cannot see anything from   ensure that this event does not   find that there have been many   reporting and analyse the data.
        see your workplace forever.   where you are, you ask the same   happen again.             not serious accidents that had   If you do not know where to
                                      questions. “Are you ok, and how
          The first thing we must establish   bad is it, let me see…”    We launch investigations,   occurred leading up to the serious   start or how to manage this, call
        is what an accident or incident                             check CCTV camera footage     one. You might find that many of   us.  LabourNet will gladly come
        really is. Have you ever thought   At this point you have done   and we interview potential   these not serious accidents carry   to assist, but do not let the sun
        of that? An accident is literally   exactly what we do in our risk   witnesses. We scrutinise risk   within them the same root causes   go down before you know you
        an unplanned event. Just idle   assessment systems. You are   assessments and analyse safe   as the serious ones!       have done everything possible to
        there for a second. Unplanned…   determining the exposure and   work procedures to establish   In 2016 a staggering 313   prevent the sun from setting on
        literally meaning that something   the severity. There is absolutely   who, what, where, when, and   million workplace accidents   your employees’ tombstones. 
        or someone in your workplace   nothing wrong with that, I do the   of course, why… Our children   were recorded; 2.3 million of
        lost control! It means that   same. What follows, however, is   suddenly get helmets, knee   those cases resulted in someone   For more information contact
        something happened that you did   what makes the difference…  pads and gloves for Christmas,   losing their lives. Who knows   LabourNet Durban
        not prepare for, did not anticipate   At this point your subsequent   and you find yourself checking   what happens in undocumented   T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
        and were not ready for!       actions, whether at home or at   the environment where your   factories and mines in third   E:
          Please do not tell me that if a   work is almost solely based on the   children play or better yet, check   world countries?
        worker cuts his hand, the first aid   answers to those two questions.   what they play with…   Let us not fall into the category
        box in the corner with the small   If the answers are: Not serious,   My question to you is, why   of being reactive, rather than
        padlock and the name tag is your   i.e., a small cut on the hand or your   do we not handle the not   proactive! You might be too late


               Thabani Zulu, Stella Lumen  environment of dependency, and   will solve that unspoken, yet   We should be investing in   small businesses that have
                                      an attitude that starting a business   prevalent attitude towards    creating affordable back-office   resorted to loan sharks for the
                         often wonder   requires a loan or a grant. However,  small business.     solutions for small business.   necessary funds required to
                         if the       I do not wish to undermine this                             These solutions must recognise   manufacture or procure goods
                      I overnment     approach, but rather contend that   Business Skills and Systems  that new business owners are not   that are required by big business
                        and business    it forms part, and is often minor,    This finds expression in two   meant to be experts in back-  or government. In the name of
                        sector        in the bigger scheme of small   fundamental areas:          office administration. However,   SMME support and procurement,
                         assert their   business development.        1) Firstly, business studies are   they should also be available at   big business and the state sit by
                         seriousness                                still reserved for those who want   a fraction of  the cost of those   the wayside with a ‘We will pay
                         about        Creation of Markets           to pursue careers in finance   available to big business.   once you deliver’ attitude!
                         SMME          Developing small business    departments of big business. We                              In my view SMME development
                         development  requires a conscious effort to   have not yet recognised that a   Managing Cash Flows     is a partnership between parties
                         because it   identify and ring-fence markets.   medical student could wish to   In my view, it is criminal not to   that is aimed at harnessing the
                         has become   Small business is often based on                            pay small business on time when   abilities of the small business,
        a politically correct message   an inherent ability to produce   open a private practice. We need   they have provided a service. Small   extending the power of big
                                                                    to challenge the education sector
        or is there a genuine intention   goods and services. There may be   to structure itself such that the   business creates breadwinners   business and government, and
        to develop this sector of our   instances where this skill can be   necessary business skills are part   for families and are a cornerstone   realising the goal that, small as
        economy? There is an abundance   harnessed, but there is generally   of any curriculum.   of survival in our society. The   they are, they are the backbone of
        of empirical evidence that the   a solid foundation to build from.                        support of this sector must start   any solid economy. 
        success of an economy lies in the   A young plumber or electrician   2) The second challenge is   from ensuring that, at a minimum,
        success of its small          already has knowledge of his   expecting a startup business   their claims are paid as soon as the   T: +27 (0)61 422 0167 or +27 (0)83 700 8863
        and medium sized businesses.   trade, similarly with a builder, a   to have skills and systems –   goods and services are delivered.   E:
        A need arises to internalise   painter, a lawyer, or an architect.   such as marketing, IT, human   That is the minimum contribution
        the truth that SMMEs are      The challenge is operating in   resource, and finance skills    that big business and government
        the creators of employment,   an environment that does not   – to operate effectively. We   can make in SMME development.
        sustainability, and financial   trust your abilities. A society   crucify them for not having   Anything below this minimum
        freedom for the economy.      that believes that if the product   their taxes up to date or for not   borders on an intentional act of
         This need does not imply a   comes from you, it does not have   filling in the tender documents   collapsing the business that one
                                                                    properly. Yet what they have
        simplistic approach to create   the status of imported products   been trained to do, and do   purports to support.
        funding structures for small   or products that come from big   excellently, is to paint.
        business, which create an     business. No amount of funding                               I have engaged with several

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