Page 15 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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                    Nikita Pillay, HR &   profiles form the basis of key   junior levels, particularly with
                     Compliance, Best-   talent management applications –   the volume of data that can be
                     Practice Specialist,   from recruiting and onboarding   generated when comparing pay
                     DRG Outsourcing  to development, grading of    for roles that are common in the
                                      positions, and succession
                       R              planning. Properly constructed   components of the package can
                                                                     The value of different
                                      role profiles serve to establish
                                      arising out of uncertainty.
                        emuneration,   role clarity and mitigate conflict   differ greatly depending on the
                                                                    employer. Salary benchmarking
                        one of the      Salary benchmarking is a    considers all aspects of
                         key elements   process by which an organisation   remuneration to ensure an
                         in the Total   jobs are matched (typically, at   accurate reflection of the package
                         Rewards      least 70% match) to similar jobs   is given.
                         remains      and descriptions in a selected   Importantly, salary
         the most critical factor for the   salary survey or other source of   benchmarking allows
                                      market pay data.
         attraction, motivation and                                 companies to make comparisons   Government has made significant   years to come. Failure to do so
         retention of staff both to and   Companies often come to   of these figures between a large   changes to Employment Equity   may be costly as employers may
         in an organisation. To remain   us wondering whether their   number of businesses. As part   (EE) reporting requirements    receive hefty penalties should the
         competitive organisations should   senior executives’ remuneration   of the analysis, research can   with the goal to improve the   Department of Labour conduct an
         review the way they establish their   packages are in line with those   determine the overall mean,   accuracy and efficiency of   equal pay for equal work audit.
         pay levels.                  offered by other organisations   as well as lower and upper   collecting data about wage   With the correct role profiling

          Role profiling and salary   of similar size. Few employers   quartiles, of staff members   disparities between the highest-  and salary benchmarking
         benchmarking can help        routinely have access to this   overall compensation packages.   paid and lowest-paid employees.   technology, we are able to aid in
         organisations to overcome    information and gaining it     In developing a suggested pay-  This will enable the Department   helping you build consistency
         various issues. Crucially, this   can be challenging. Pay varies   line and salary scale structure   of Employment and Labour   across the organisation. It is our
         is a much more focused and   widely depending on sector    the organisation’s policies on   to identify wage gaps and set   pleasure to assist companies in
         detailed process than simply   and many other factors.     remuneration must be taken    benchmarks for different sectors.   these critical areas of attraction,
         interrogating a traditional salary   Salary benchmarking allows   into consideration, such as   Employers must ensure that they   motivation, and retention of
         survey to establish a salary range   organisations to get an idea of   skills shortages and premiums,   have policies and mechanisms   their staff. 
         for a job title.             these differences, while finding   competitive position, review   in place to resolve remuneration
                                      out pay levels typical in their   dates, lead/lag policy, etc.                            For more information contact
          Role profiling helps create   own sector.                                               gaps and avoid unfair         T: +27 (0)31 7670625
         profiles that replace complicated                           One needs to identify the    discrimination, real or, perceived.   E:
         and poorly structured job      Some businesses have        market segment with which the   If there are disproportionate   W:
         descriptions, often no more   remuneration committees      organisation should compare   differences in remuneration that
         than a ‘duty list’, with reference   in place for this purpose but   itself, e.g. industry sector and   are not justifiable, they need to
         documents that are far more   knowing where to start can be   choose the position within that   take measures to progressively
         useful for employees, managers,   difficult. Salary surveys can be   market for which you strive, e.g.   reduce such differences or face
         and hiring teams. These role   useful for benchmarking at more   median, upper quartile, etc.   possible consequences in the



                                                                    potentially serious dental health   nothing to be concerned about,   Often when people have dental
                                                                    problems to be detected. These   but they could save your life.  problems, they use the internet to
                                                                    range from tooth decay and gum   Dental hygienists are often   find solutions which can be very
                                                                    disease, which could result in   disregarded when it comes to   misleading. To qualify as a dentist
                                                                    the loss of teeth if ignored, to   managing your oral health, but   requires many years of training to
                                                                    children requiring orthodontic   they offer valuable services. They   acquire both the knowledge and
                                                                    treatment, or to aligning crooked   assist in promoting preventive   expertise required.  In addition,
                                                                    teeth. Early identification and   dental health and treating gum   says Dr Amod, “I wish to build
                                                                    management of these potential   disease. This includes cleaning   relationships with my clients by
                                                                    problems means that they      your teeth (a ‘scale and polish’)   seeing them regularly, which will
                                                                    are easier, and therefore less   by removing plaque and tartar,   allow me to tailor advice and
                                                                    expensive, to treat.          both of which cause tooth decay   support specific to their needs.
                                                                                                                                We offer long term care of your
                                                                     Symptoms of pain or bleeding   and gum disease.            teeth, and we will be happy to
                                                                    gums mean that a tooth or teeth   Crown Dental Studio hygienist   produce a detailed treatment plan
         Dr Fareed Amod of Crown Dental Studio                      could be damaged. Suddenly, the   Mateenah Amod says, “Having   to transform your smile. If you
                                                                    relative cost of the missed dental   a cleaning at least two to three   take care of your oral hygiene,
              alculating how best to    Routine dental care is an   check-up will seem insignificant   times a year is recommended to   you are doing your share of the
                                                                                                                                work and then I can do mine.”
              spend your monthly      essential part of keeping your   in comparison to the costs of root   help ensure that no issues are
        Cbudget is often difficult.   teeth healthy and fighting against   canal work, false teeth, or dental   developing and to remove the   Crown Dental Studio is one
         Bills must be paid, and food   plaque and cavities. “Dentists   implants to repair a smile.   build-up of plaque that happens   of the few truly 24-hour dental
         has to be provided. So, the six-  not only solve problems, but they   In addition, a dental screening   over time even with brushing   practises in Durban as this is not
         monthly dental check-up or teeth   can also prevent them,” says Dr   should include an examination   and flossing.”    limited to emergency dentistry
         clean is often perceived to be a   Fareed Amod of Crown Dental   of the head and neck as well as   Dental hygienists help you to   treatment. 
         luxury. In addition, many people   Studio. “I ensure that my patients   the lips, cheeks, tongue, palate,   keep your teeth and gums healthy
         are anxious to see the dentist and   obtain the necessary advice,   floor of mouth and gum tissues.   by showing you the correct home   T: +27 (0) 81 207 8621
                                      x-rays, and other services that are
         will either delay or avoid a visit.                        During this examination the   care routine required and may   E:
         However, missing your regular   designed to protect your teeth   dentist will check for any lumps   suggest a product that can prevent
                                      and ensure that your mouth is
         trips to the dentist could cost you   healthy.”            on your head or neck. They will   problems from developing or
         more rands when you discover                               also check for any red or white   persisting. This is advice that you
         that you have a serious dental   Perhaps even more importantly,   patches in the mouth. Usually,   won’t hear if you skip your check-
         health problem.              regular appointments allow many   these examinations will find   ups or cleans to save money.

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