Page 13 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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                                                                    be in or out?  This is a question   sell, then you can identify your   position where you are able to
                                                                    that is crucial to consider as   successor who you will groom   make the decision whether to sell
                                                                    your answer will determine    into your position over a period   or groom up a CEO/GM.
                                                                    how successful your business   of time. The first requirement   Do you have family members
                                                                    will continue to be into the   is to find your ideal family
                                                                    future. Your successor and team   member who will be the right   who are equipped in the key
                                                                                                                                focus areas i.e., marketing,
                                                                    will need to know what your   fit for this position. They would
                                                                    intentions are.  If you are not sure   already have been in your   sales, finance, systems, and
                                                                    then engage with me and let’s   business learning the ropes   teams? This will ensure that
                                                                    set up an alignment where we   and have developed sound     your business will be robust and
                                                                    will explore your options, what   skills, expertise, and experience   equipped to run whether you
           specialise in family businesses     you are present or not?   your personal goals are and how   in the key focus areas of the   are present or not.
           and have worked through and                              your business can assist you in   business i.e., marketing, sales,    Everything I have mentioned
        I overcome the frustrations and   ■   Still dependant on you    achieving these goals.    finance (profitability), systems   above is simple, but not easy and,
        challenges that family-owned     financially to support the                               and team (sustainability) as   you may be thinking ‘easier said
        businesses often face.  Ultimately,     business, but the operation can    What are your options should   these are vital to the continued   than done’. I agree. However,
        I have assisted in achieving     run without your input     you decide to do any of the   success of your business.     whether you know or don’t know
        personal and business goals for   ■   Still dominated by your    above?                                                 what you want, contact me and I
        both the owner as well as their     presence and control both                             3RD OPTION:
        team, be it family or not.      financially and operationally?  1ST OPTION:               Implement/improve robust      will show you how. 
                                                                    Sell your business*
          There is nothing more       Where are you currently in your                             systems and develop the team   *Pieter Scholtz is a master licensee for
        important in a family run     business?                      There are a number of factors   to prepare your business for   ActionCOACH South Africa
        business than to create a                                   that influence the ability to sell   growth       
        legacy for future generations.   You may now be in a position to   and the price that buyers will be   If your business does not have
        This is achieved through the   either:                      willing to pay for your business.  or you are not confident with
        implementation of simple,     ■   Sell your business        These are:                    the above in place then who, if
        practical tools, systems and   ■   Groom up a family member as    ■   Strong, consistent cash flow  not you, do you need to bring
        methodology that has been       CEO or general manager (GM)    ■   Assets owned           into your business to ensure that
        developed specifically for small     to take over the reins from you  ■   People, process, and systems  they will be able to implement or
        and medium sized businesses                                                               improve the systems and grow     SCAN
        who want their businesses to be   ■   Take your business to the next    ■   Scalability of the business  the team?
        profitable, work and run without     level (Growth Phase) by    ■   Culture of the organisation                          QR CODE
        them.  Does this sound like what     wanting to implement or                               Again, consider who in your    TO SEE
        you need in your business?      improve your systems and    2ND OPTION:                   family would be the right fit   VIDEO
                                        bring on/groom your team to    Groom a CEO/GM to take over   for each of the key focus areas
          So, a few questions; as a business     scale your business  the reins from you          of your business to prepare
        owner is your business:        But what do you, as the business   If your business has the above   your business for growth and   (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                                                                 hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        ■   Able to sustain itself whether    owner want? Do you want to   in place and you don’t want to   ultimately to put it into a saleable   QR Code to see the video.)


           ohn Aritho, general manager   a variety of challenges along   the next step which is listening
           of the Beverly Hills Hotel, is a   the way. John commented that   to the consumer and the
        Jstrong believer in networking.   moving from country to country   shareholders of the business. If
        “Networks make people’s net   where you have to adopt different   you don’t listen to what the staff,
        worth grow. And I always say   cultures and different styles of   shareholders and the leaders are
        wherever I am, whatever position   working as well as dealing with   asking for, then, I do not think
        I am in, whoever I meet, it is for a   other external factors has been   that you can be successful.”
        purpose, and I make sure that there  difficult at times.     John’s future goals are to
        is a connection that helps their   John says that another   continue his career path in
        business and my business grow.”
                                      challenge in the hotel industry   hotel management and to grow
          John was born in Kenya where   has been getting the right staff   with the company. “But simpler
        he grew up in a little town in   with the right positive attitude   than that is to make sure that
        the foothills of Mount Kenya   towards guests, which has been   the people who work under me
        where coffee was grown. After   a challenge in some countries   grow into my shoes and bigger
        completing hotel studies at   more than others.             shoes if possible.”
        university, John travelled to   In reflecting on his career path,   The importance of people
        India and on to Sri Lanka and   John believes that he has been   in his life is evident in that he
        Singapore where he worked                                   finds his inspiration to succeed   John Aritho, general manager of the Beverly Hills Hotel
        in various organisations. “I   successful through learning   in them. “I am inspired by a
                                      from the people that have been
        really learnt the trade and more   there before him. “I have learnt a   lot of people – I am inspired by   John is devoted to his family   simple it is: “Work hard but learn
        importantly learn about Indian   lot from my leaders and various   innovators, I am inspired by   and strives to create a work/life   to unplug.”
        cuisine, which I absolutely love.”                          pioneers, people like Richard   balance. In order to disconnect
                                      directors and managers that I
          In commenting on his career   have worked under. I am one of   Branson – not because of the   and relax he says he spends time
        choice John explained, “I chose   those people who tries to learn   millions that he has made   on his hobbies and doing things
        my career out of a love for food.   from other people as much as   but because of the kind of   that make him happy.
        I also had various options as a   possible and I learn from my   outward thinking out of the   “I love nature and I love
        really good basketball player, so   own mistakes.”          box. I think that one of the key   the outdoors, so I do a lot of
                                                                    things required to succeed is
        I had to choose between playing   The key leadership skill that he   continuously learning. I read as   motorbike riding. I love old   SCAN
        basketball professionally or getting                        much as I can. I try and learn   things, so I restore old fashioned   QR CODE
        into cuisine. At that time, in the   has learnt is the importance of   and grow myself through the   cars in my free time. I try to   TO SEE
                                      listening. “I think that listening
        eighties, there were only really   to what my staffs’ needs are   various courses that I enrol   be as mechanical as possible
        cooks and not chefs, but it was   and especially understanding   myself in. Education doesn’t   to understand how things are   VIDEO
        something I really loved doing.”                                                          built – that is one of the ways I
                                      what is really troubling them   stop and I would advise both                               (Open the camera on your phone and
          His career has not always been   and what makes them happy   young and older people to   disconnect.”                  hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        smooth, and he has had to face   is important. Then I move to   continue learning.”        The motto he lives by is very   QR Code to see the video.)

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