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Logie Naidoo                                      Dr Ahmed Shaikh, managing director of  REGENT Business School  Thato Moeng

                                                                                   Devin Heffer                          Avishkar Harriparsad, Partner, PKF Durban

         The Hirsch family with Grant Adlam                                       L-R: Emily Driesen-Garland, Lara Driesen-Garland, and Louisa Garland with Don Gray KZN Top Business

                                                        EMBRACING CHANGE

                                                               he winners in each   However, through         Zulu launched his latest   was made much more
                                                               category received   applying his personal    book titled ‘I AM ART:   enjoyable, and quite
                                                          Ta unique artwork        philosophy of embracing   The 40th Anniversary    informative, by the grand
                                                          that was created by Musa   change, Zulu not only   Essay’ in KwaZulu- Natal   magnitude of the people
                                                          E Zulu, creative director   found a way to cope   on 20 April 2021. This   and institutions I was
                                                          of his company, Valhalla                                                   tasked to reflect upon.
                                                          Arts.                    with his new life, but to   book celebrates the four
                                                                                   inspire others as well.    decades (1979 - 2019)   These 15 original Valhalla
                                                          After achieving an       He is now a published    in which he has lived as   Arts Red Label pieces are
                                                          Honours degree in        author, an award-        an artist, together with   my personal reflections
                                                          Sociology at the University   winning entrepreneur,   reflecting on the 25 years   on the milestones that
                                                          of Natal (1993), Zulu    international artist,    (1995 - 2020) that he has   each of these dynamic
                                                          lectured in the Faculty of   celebrated motivational   spent in his wheelchair.  winners has reached in
                                                          Humanities before moving   speaker and prominent                           their efforts that have
                                                          to the corporate world as   disability activist in   In commenting on his   undoubtedly shaped
                                                          human resources manager.   South Africa.          involvement in the       our changing times
                                                          Zulu was fast climbing                            Standard Bank KwaZulu-   and spaces in so many
                                                          the career ladder when   Zulu is the author of four   Natal Top Business   impactful ways. Winners
                                                          his life took unexpected   books: ‘The Language of   Awards 2021,  Zulu said:  inspire all of us to lift our
                                                          turn. In 1995, when he   Me’ (UKZN Press; 2004),    “I would like to       standards even higher
                                                          was 23 years old, following   ‘Wheels on the Soul   congratulate and thank   with each new day that
                                                          injuries resulting from a   of my Shoes’ (Nutrend   all the finalists for   comes to pass. This is
                                                          car accident, Zulu became   Publishers; 2008),    allowing me the pleasure   my tribute to your noted
                                                          paralysed and wheelchair   ‘Tributes: The Story’   to interpret their life and   excellence.” 
                                                          bound.  Consequently,    (Valhalla Arts; 2012)    work achievements in the
                                                          he found himself faced   and ‘Mastering the art of   best way I ever could –   For more information contact:
                                                          with one of the hardest   selfmotivation: Tapping   in my art. This precious   Cell: 083 3488 729
                                                          challenges that life can   the Inner You!’ (Valhalla
         Musa E Zulu                                      bring – disability.      Arts; 2017).             artistic endeavour       Website:

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