Page 6 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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                                                                   THANK YOU

                                                             KZN for your on going support and trusting
                                                                                  us since 1979

        The Hirsch family – Margaret, Richard, Luci and Allan.

              his category was   Natal for the last 42      Shop safely on SA’s most trusted ONLINE appliance and TV store -
              open to businesses   years and have become
        Twhere the majority      a household name.
        ownership remains within   Hirsch’s started off
        a family (or multi-family)   small in 1979 with just
        structure, and where     R900 saved by Allan and
        more than one generation   Margaret. Today they are   stores are located in                         management team who      Grandparents, who shopped
        contributes to the success   the largest independently   KwaZulu-Natal, the Cape   the executive director,   have a strong commitment   at Hirsch’s when they were
        of the business.         owned electronics and    and Gauteng.             Richard is the CEO       to the same goals.       in their teens, still shop with
                                 appliance retail outlet                           and Luci is the voice of                          them – alongside their own
        The winner is:           in southern Africa with   The whole family is     Hirsch’s and the brand   Hirsch’s are not simply a   children and grandchildren.
                                                                                                            family owned business,
        HIRSCH’S                 a turnover well over the   involved in the day-to-  manager.  As a family,
                                 billion rand mark. The   day business operations.    the Hirsch’s form     but they have watched    The finalists are:
        Hirsch’s have been       chain of mega appliance   Allan is the founder and   a formidable force    the families that shop   ■   The Ramsi Group
        operating in KwaZulu-    and home furnishing      chairman, Margaret is    supported by their       with them grow.  Today   ■   Beekman Group

                                                                                  BUSINESS PERSONALITY

                                                                                        he prestigious      However, he stresses the   engage with each one of
                                                                                        Standard Bank       need to be humble in one’s   these groups.
                                                                                   TKZN Top Business        attitude to business success.
                                                                                   Personality award 2021 went   “Humbleness will take you   He added, “Customers are
                                                                                                                                     always looking for quality,
                                                                                   to Ashok Sewnarain the   everywhere, arrogance
                                                                                   founder and chairman of   will take you nowhere.”   service and value which
                                                                                   (IBV), International Vaults.   He added that the other   are the fundamentals of
                                                                                   The honorary award is    leadership characteristics   any business success.”
                                                                                   given to a person who has   required were respect,   Significantly, family are
                                                                                   demonstrated, “exemplary   integrity, simplicity, and   often your business mentors
                                                                                   business achievement,    keeping things straight.  directly and indirectly and
                                                                                   industry influence and is a   Sewnarain emphasised   their importance should not
                                                                                   true inspiration to others”.  that business is about   be underestimated.
                                                                                   In May 2005, Sewnarain   relationships and the    In addition, he says,
                                                                                   opened the first private vault   ecosystem in which   “Covid-19 is an awesome
                                                                                   in Umhlanga’s Gateway    you operate, which       opportunity to share
                                                                                   Mall. Since then, IBV has   includes all stakeholders:   ideas and to assist young
                                                                                   grown exponentially and   family, staff, suppliers,   entrepreneurs so that
                                                                                   operates branches globally   partners, customers, and   we grow the business
                                                                                   in London, Switzerland,    community including    industry by default,
                                                                                   and Dubai.               the underprivileged. It   alleviating unemployment
                                                                                                            was necessary, he said, to   and poverty.” 
                                                                                   Sewnarain subscribes to the
                                                                                   philosophy that says one
                                                                                   should persevere and be
                                                                                   determined to pursue one’s
                                                                                   dreams in whatever business
                                                                                   one chooses. He says that
                                                                                   the mantra of business is
                                                                                   to dream big and to double
                                                                                   your dreams. Commenting
                                                                                   on his business initiatives,
                                                                                   he says, “There is no
                                                                                   perfect formula. Don’t be
                                                                                   afraid to try and try again,
                                                                                   don’t be afraid to have
                                                                                   failures because failure is a
                                                                                   steppingstone to success.”  Ashok Sewnarain received the Business Personality of the Year award

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