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                 e are delighted      event are featured in a special     use gas optimally. Read more   ■   Nikita Pillay comments on    KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS
                 to feature Ashok     insert in this edition. We      on page 4.                    remuneration, which remains
        WSewnarain CEO                congratulate all these winners   ■   Invest Durban who has a call      the most critical factor for    CHAMBERS COUNCIL :
        of International Bank Vaults   and the finalists on their     for entrepreneurs to enter KZN      the attraction, motivation    Chairperson: Judith Nzimande
        (IBV) on the front page as well   achievements.               tourism projects for possible      and retention of staff both to    Secretariat: Lihle Msweli
        as on page three of this edition                              funding and to register for      and in an organisation   T: +27 (0)35 797 1807
        of Business Sense. Ashok is   The July edition of Business     the TIA360 eThekwini         – page 15.                  M: +27 (0)83 571 0486
        the well deserving winner of   Sense welcomes some new        Tourism Investment          ■   Dr Fareed Amod of Crown    Address: ZCBF Community Park,
        the Standard Bank KZN Top     editorial partners to our       Symposium, which is set to      Dental Studio who asks the    Gate 5, Business Community
        Business Personality of the   existing contributors. These     take place in July. See page 4.    question: Why are regular    Building 1st Floor, Guldengracht
        Year award 2021.              are Melinda Cookson CEO                                                                   Street, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-
                                      Futurelink Flexible Staffing on   ■   Marlene Powell in her BizTALK     dental visits considered a
        Entering awards offer a number  page 2 and Thabani Zulu from     Corner who is on hand to      luxury? – page 15.       Natal, South Africa
        of benefits to businesses     Stella Lumen on page 14.        assist family run business to    ■   David White is the South    Email:
        which should not be easily                                    create a legacy – page 13.     African Chamber of Business    Website:
        overlooked. Business awards    Other regular contributors   ■   Johan van Deventer,         in London, South African
        are validation, recognition, a   include:                     Regional Manager KZN,         country chapter leader. He is
        celebration and great public   ■   SLG which not only         LabourNet who provides        passionate about growing
        relations opportunities for     supplies pipeline and         some advice around the        trade opportunities between    Please take the time to follow
        businesses.  All the Standard     compressed natural gas,      necessary actions required      South Africa and the United     the links to see the videos
        Bank KZN Top Business Award     but also prides itself in      to manage workplace          Kingdom. Read more on       that accompany many of the
        2021 winners of this year’s     ensuring that its customers      accidents effectively – page 14.    page 16.           editorials. 


                    Melinda Cookson,    SOME OF OUR AMAZING GRADUATES
                      CEO, Futurelink                                                                                               uturelink has over 20 years’
                      Flexible Staffing                                                                                             experience in helping
                       (Pty) Ltd
                                                                                                                                Forganisations by providing
                       M       any                                                                                              quality staff for short and long-
                                                                                                                                recruitment and placement of
                                                                                                                                term business needs.

                       companies in                                                                                              Futurelink helps organisations
                       South Africa                                                                                             and their staff prosper through
                        continue to                                                                                             temporary and permanent
                        trade out                                                                                               staffing solutions. By investing
                        of a hard                                                                                               in the long-term success of
        lockdown implemented in                                                                                                 your organisation and the staff
        March 2020. As a national                                                                                               that support it, we provide
        staffing company at the coal                                                                                            Specialised Outsourcing
        face of placing people into a                                                                                           Services for a wide range of
        variety of positions within                                                                                             operational requirements.
        various sectors of the South   Nonjabulo Shandu,            Ayanda Bhengu,               Megan Moffett,                  With experience across
        African economy, key roles     BSocSci Honours; Industrial &   BTech; Marketing          BCom; Law                      multiple industries, our
        continue to be filled with     Organisational Psychology.                                                               knowledge of South Africa’s
        experienced and skilled people.                                                                                         overwhelming and sometimes
        Whilst some companies         from participating in the labour   gap between graduates and   for FREE. The clients we have   uncertain labour industry
        continue to offer graduates   market and they are also not   industry. Our goal was to help   partnered with have found   has positioned us to provide
        entry level positions as part of   building on their skills base   this country’s graduates find   the investment of their time   expert, legally compliant
        their learnership programmes,   through education and training   a foot hold in the employment   in upskilling and developing   and progressive outsourced
        so much more still needs to be   – they are not in employment,   arena to give them valuable   these graduates a worthy   solutions and services.
        done in this area.            education or training (NEET),   practical experience within   investment.                 Hands-on and always a phone
          The burden of unemployment   (According to: Quarterly Labour   their specific area of learning                        call away, we prefer to see
        is also concentrated amongst   Force Survey of 2021).       and to simultaneously offer   For more information on our Pro Bono   ourselves as an extension of the
                                                                                                  Graduate Programme please email:
        the youth as they account for   Pro Bono Graduate           industry access to a resource  companies we work with and
        59.5% of the total number of   Programme                    of interviewed, highly capable,                             are confident in our ability to
        unemployed persons of which                                 resilient, and intelligent young                            help you achieve new heights
        graduates unemployment rate    In the midst of 2020,        graduates without having to pay                             through a range of relevant and
        was 40.3%. Some of these young   Futurelink embarked on     exorbitant salaries. Futurelink is                          specialised services. 
        people have become discouraged   an initiative to bridge the   offering this service to industry

        BUSINESS SENSE                                        © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced   COMMENTS:
                                                              or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of  Top Business.
        Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
                                                                                                                  that raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals,
        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee   and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
                                                                                                                  be moderated. Moderation of comments may include but are not
        Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  that inaccuracies will not occur. Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,   necessarily limited to  non publishing of comments, removal of
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        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht:  pages.                                              offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
                                                                                                                  discretion of the editorial board of Business Sense.
        Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors   Please send your queries to
                                                              alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal
        Website:                         Business Chambers Council, its members,  staff or funding agencies and advertisers.  We look forward to hearing from you!
        BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.
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