Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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            STANDARD BANK KZN TOP BRAND       needs, by providing space in our factory as a
           Imperial Armour, an empowered,     gesture of goodwill.
           all-female company, is a recognized       We pride ourselves on being the leading
           award-winning manufacturer of personal  manufacturer of personal protection
           protection equipment in Kwazulu-   equipment in South Africa, supplying both
           Natal. We are proud to announce that   nationally and internationally. Our focus   L- R: Grant Adlam,  Louisa Garland, managing director of Imperial Armour, and Imraan Noorbhai
           we have won the Standard Bank Top   is to save lives which we do by providing
           Business Award 2021 for the category:          high-quality products that are tested in USA   usinesses entering   and this year, celebrates   unable to work due
           Business Innovation.               and ISO 9001:2015 accredited.  We supply a   in this category were   21 years in business. The   to Covid-19 business
           The Business Innovation award is given   large range of bullet proof armour, anti-riot,   Brequired to provide   company’s experience,   restrictions, Imperial
           for “out-the-box” thinking by introducing   tactical gear, demining and fire equipment   evidence of an innovative   excellent quality, and   Armour continued to find
           innovative, products and processes in light   to the Military, Police and Security   approach to products,   continual innovations   innovative work solutions
           of the pandemic. Louisa Garland, Managing   companies.                  or processes, which has   has made it the leading   to maintain workflow
           Director of Imperial Armour, realised that   The “Imperial Armour family” embraces   contributed to the success   manufacturer of personal   and the continuity of
           for her Company to survive, she needed   change. At the start of 2021, a new
           to make the proactive decision to acquire       strategy which included the deployment   of the business.  Judges were   protective equipment in   the company during this
           PPE stock, to aid the fight against Covid 19.  of sales representatives in all major   also interested to hear from   KZN.   difficult period. This
           The company became an essential services   regions of South Africa was implemented.    businesses who have pivoted   At Imperial Armour   resulted in Imperial
                                                                                   their operations as a result
                                                                                                                                     Armour becoming
           organisation, using an innovative approach   The responsibility to oversee this new   of the Covid-19 pandemic.  all staff are continually   an essential services
           by providing logistical support, meeting the   venture was given to Sales Director, Emily        involved in research, design
           needs of emergency services worldwide.   Driesen-Garland.  Emily’s critical skills               and innovation. This     organisation in South
           We also assisted an SMME enterprise in   set, as well as her belief in the company’s   The winner is:   ongoing culture provides   Africa.
           ensuring continuity of their production   ethos has led to her success.   IMPERIAL ARMOUR        in-house involvement in   Commenting on Imperial
                                              Throughout our 21 years of business,                          new products and sees    Armour’s win Louisa
                                              we have been proud of our numerous   The finalists are:       innovative ideas reaching   Garland, managing
                                              achievements and awards. We are extremely   ■   Icebolethu Group  the market.          director said, “Winning
                                              excited to accept this award as we continue
                                              to strive for innovation in all that we do.  We   ■   Capitol Caterers   In April 2020, in response   this award has made us
                                              would like to thank all our loyal customers   ■   Mi7 National Group    to the Covid-19 pandemic,   feel overjoyed. We are
                                              and suppliers for their support.  We also     (Pty) Ltd       the management at        extremely honoured to
                                              thank Standard Bank KZN Top Business for                      Imperial Armour realised   be recognised with our
             Louisa Garland, Emily Driesen-Garland & Carey Fort  the opportunity to enter this event.  Imperial Armour  that it was necessary to   all-female company, the
                                                                                   Imperial Armour cc was   think creatively. Whilst   boost to morale at work
             031 700 2650 (Local)  |  +27 83 788 3266 (International)   |  established in October 2000   the employees were   is incredible.” 


              his award is aimed   of KwaZulu-Natal.  Now   to it and that dreams are   The finalists are:     (Crown Dental Studio)    (Borderless Investment
              at young business   Majozi Bros Construction   real,” says Ndlela.   ■   Dr Fareed Amod       ■   Njabulo Maphumulo      Group Pty Ltd)
        Tleaders who have        builds houses in upmarket
         shown exceptional       estates like Cotswold
         leadership and exhibited   Downs and Zimbali and
         entrepreneurial flair.   is involved in multi-
                                 million developments
         The winners are:        with construction giant
          SIHLE NDLELA AND       WBHO.
         SIMPHIWE MAJOZI         “Covid has taught the
                                 importance of having a
         Sihle Ndlela and        business model that is
         Simphiwe Majozi, the    responsive to change.
         co-founders of Majozi   Our journey is proof that
         Bros Construction,      you can’t control what
         started out renovating   happens to you, but you
         houses in the townships   can control how you react

       L-R: Grant Adlam, Sihle Ndlela and Imraan Noorbhai

                                                                                                        www  For more information visit  7
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