Page 4 - KZN Business Sense 7.4
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              ou’ve heard it before, ‘cost-  and if not conducted correctly, it   a necessity. The optimum zone of                 
              cutting’, ‘project savings’,   could lead to a chain of catastrophic   combustion has a small range, so
        Y‘limited operational         events. To ensure safe and complete   how can one get the right balance?
        expenditure’, ‘do more with less’.   combustion, excess oxygen needs   Firstly, one needs to monitor and                    effi  ciency
        These are common phrases in the   to be supplied to the combustion   analyse the stack or flue gas, by
        manufacturing sector. So what   process. Failure to provide sufficient  means of a flue analyser.
        can an organisation do to jump on   air into the combustion process
        board the savings and sustainability   means that not all the fuel will be   Historically this was seen as          stoichiometric combustion  Highest efficiency
        bandwagon?                    burned and, consequently, it will   expensive technology and a luxury             CO
                                                                    to have, however, the development
          As the heartbeat of all operating   be lost up the stack in the form   of this technology, have made them
        plants, the procurement and usage   of combustibles. Not only does   more affordable. As part of its        Fuel
        of energy attracts a significant   this result in an obvious waste of   value-added services to customers,                 oxygen
        portion of the operating cost and   valuable energy, but also presents a   SLG has always provided this flue
        requires continuous monitoring,   safety hazards, as the possibility of   gas analysis as part of its value   Excess Fuel  Excess Air
        analysis, action and improvement.   explosions is created.   proposition which is available   Graph indicating the respective combustion parameters and the zone of
        Organisations need to get the                               to all its customers at no cost.   highest efficiency source: (
        correct people to answer the   Fuel Efficiency              Additionally, coupling the signals   efficiency-d_271.html)
        following imperative questions.   On the other hand, when there   from the analysers to that of the
        How can we use energy optimally?   is too much air in the combustion   fans will ensure that production is   actions required to optimise   gas, but also prides itself in ensuring
        Is our combustion process     process, additional fuel is burned   in the optimum combustion zone   their combustion systems. It has   that its customers use gas efficiently.
        correct? Is the end-use justified   to raise the temperature of this   as much as possible.   revealed inefficiencies and the   Complementary, value-added
        and optimised? Whether its    excess air to that of the combustion                        potential for financial savings, and   services, ensure that all customers
        boilers, furnaces, ovens, stentors   process. Excess air is a costly waste   Sub-optimal combustion can   in some cases, has highlighted   are familiar with the full supply
        or even welding applications, all   of fuel, because it simply absorbs   cause industries to spend as much   significant safety risks of sub-  chain, the safety and compliance
        fuel-burning equipment requires   heat that goes up the stack, rather   as 10% extra on fuel, which is   stoichiometric combustion and   requirements and lastly, the need to
                                                                    a massive expense, especially if
        monitoring and optimisation, in   than being used in the operating   calculated over a five to ten-year   carbon monoxide formation.   ensure all-round optimisation.
        order to yield the best results.  process. This is the classical doing   contract term.    As a reputable gas supplier in the
                                      nothing but producing hot air with                          energy sector, SLG not only supplies   T: +27 (0)31 812 0555
        Safety First                  your energy.                   In recent years, SLG’s gas   pipeline and compressed natural   W:
          In a combustion reaction, a                               analysis process has enlightened
        fuel reacts with oxygen. These   Finding the Optimal Balance  customers on efficient combustion
        reactions produce energy to the   The ‘luxury’ of ensuring that   and created significant value
        surroundings as light and heat.   your process receives the correct   for those customers who have
        Combustion safety is paramount   quantities of air has now become   implemented the remedial

                                                                                  CALL FOR TOURISM INVESTMENT PROJECTS

                                                                                                     Who can apply

                                                                            01                 02                  03                  04

                                                                         Any viable projects  The project /     Submit a viable    Submit a project
                                                                         or distressed assets   transaction should   business plan that   financial model that
                                                                         that require a      in time aim for    fully outlines the   talks to the above
                                                                         minimum of R5       approximately yield   nature of the project   business plan /
                                                                         million capital     20% internal rate of   or rationale for   project.‡This can also
                                                                         injection or        return             pursuing the       include organisations
                                                                         acquisition         (IRR) at relevant   acquisition       seeking
                                                                         transactions with a   point: “(minimum   transaction.     transformational
                                                                         minimum deal size   three to five-year                     opportunities, and/or
                                                                         value of R5 million.   forecast period)”                  product
           eThekwini       As economies work towards recovery and
           Tourism         rebuilding - it is time for entrepreneurs,
           Investment      businesses, investors, governments, and
           Symposium       thought leaders to come together to               CALL FOR TOURISM INVESTMENT PROJECTS
                           power investments into the tourism
           A Dream, a Pipeline   industry. Please join us for the first                         Process Flow
           and Sustainable   TIA360 eThekwini  Tourism Investment
           Rebirth         Symposium on Thursday, 29 July 2021.
                                                                               03.                            02.
          It’s a match-making affair; connecting project owners with interested   Financial information        Company Background
                                                                               (existing business)
                                                                                                              High-level details on the
          investors.                                                           3-year historical financial     company
                                                                               information including
              Venue      :    Virtual                                                                                01.
              Date       :   Thursday, 29 July 2021                    04.                                           Compliance
                                                                       Financial information
                                                                                                                     Company and contact
              Time       :   09:00 - 18:30 (SAST)                      (new business)                                details
              Duration   :    8 sessions with breaks in bewteen        Financial projections for
                                                                       the next 3 to 5 years
                                                                                                                         ONLINE CUSTOMER
                   Can’t make it, but you would love to stay in touch?                                                   JOURNEY
                   Email or register at          Analysis                                          In the event, further work is required to refine the
                                                                       Analyse received forecast                         business plan / proposal, TIA360 will define an
                                                                       financial information to                           agreeable scope with yourselves (client) whereby you
                   Visit for more information.      determine suitability of project                  (client) will give TIA360 a mandate and enter into an
                                                                       and minimum returns.                              agreement to provide transaction advisory services.
                                                                       Filtering                                    07.
                                                                       Allocate projects into tier 1                Mandate / Agreement
                                                                       (most viable) or tier 2 (least               (terms and conditions
                                                                       viable) for purposes of further              apply)
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