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               shok Sewnarain is                                                                                                lifestyle ladder will be dictated
               the founder and                                                                                                  by the first three ladders. If you
        Achairman of IBV                                                                                                        fail, you will fall off your ladder.”
        International Vaults (IBV), a                                                                                            IBV’s  customers have special,
        world class  and sophisticated,                                                                                         reserved parking close to the
        privately owned safe deposit                                                                                            facilities and many of them drive
        vaults in South Africa.                                                                                                 exotic cars. The IBV Supercar
          Sewnarain was born in                                                                                                 Club has spun off from the vault
        Mayville, Durban and his father                                                                                         business; has a membership of
        ran a small, often struggling,                                                                                          more than 700 super-rich car
        estate agency. When Sewnarain                                                                                           owners and is recognised as one
        took over the family business,                                                                                          of the world’s leading supercar
        he utilised his entrepreneurial                                                                                         clubs. Sewnarain is its founder,
        mindset to inject new ideas                                                                                             leading patron and chairman.
        into it, expanding into the hotel                                                                                        The members of the club often
        and hospitality industry as the                                                                                         raise funds for charity. In 2014,
        barriers put up by apartheid                                                                                            they won the Guinness world
        were dismantled.                                                                                                        record for the most number of
                                                                                                                                supercars in a charity parade
          “It was around 2004 when I
        overheard a bank teller saying                                                                                          and raising R1 million for
                                                                                                                                Child Welfare of South Africa
        that there is a long waiting list
        of people who wanted to put                                                                                             in record time. The club has
                                                                                                                                also partnered with the United
        their valuables in the bank’s                                                                                           Nations Children’s Fund Unicef
        vault. I jokingly said that I will                                                                                      in raising money for charity.
        open my own vault,” Sewnarain   L – R: Kuben Chetty, Standard Bank; Ashok Sewnarain, CEO International Vaults (IBV) – Business Personality
        says with a wry smile.        of the Year, and, Sharoona Sewnarain.                                                      Sewnarain commented that he
                                                                                                                                tries to create a balance between
          Sewnarain began to seriously                              steel-reinforced concrete and   ventures with honesty and   good business and profit
        think about opening a vault.    of its proximity to significant   protected by a sophisticated,   respect for staff, customers,   through providing community
        He did extensive research,    business and residential      multitiered security system.   suppliers and service providers.”  and social support. This balance
        which took him to other       developments in KwaZulu-      They are monitored by trained   “Life is about dreaming big.   is achieved by promoting a
        countries to look at how the   Natal. Also, the layout of the   professionals 24/7.       Dream to make a million       spirit of social entrepreneurship,
        vaults are constructed, the   Gateway complex facilitates                                 dollars, rather than a million   which he believes is an
        finance involved, security    IBV’s strict security standards.”  Sewnarain subscribes to the   rand. The most successful people  important aspect that every
        features and a host of other   “It’s a risk to have a safe at   philosophy that says one should   in the world dream big. It’s   business leader should adopt
        things. He found that there is   home because many people have   persevere and be determined to   free. It has no boundaries and   in their own enterprises. He
        substantial demand for such   access to your home. We offer   pursue one’s dreams in whatever   borders,” he explained.   concluded, “The more that you
        sophisticated facilities.     a solution, and peace of mind.   business that one chooses. He   He also suggested that   give the more that you get.” 
                                                                    says, “Business is full of risk
          In May 2005, Sewnarain      We add value to the country in   and challenges that we must   businesspeople should visualize
        opened the first private vault   a sense that people can safely   confront on a daily basis.” He   their life as a set of ladders. One
        facility  in Umhlanga’s Gateway   keep their gold and other   added that he had had many   for spirituality and health, one   SCAN
        Mall. Since then, IBV has grown   assets in the country instead of   failures in his business career,   for one’s career and earnings   QR CODE
        exponentially and operates    sending them offshore.”       but all had made him more     and one for investments and
        branches globally in London,   IBV  offers safety deposit   knowledgeable and humble.     savings - and the final one,    TO SEE
        Switzerland, and Dubai.                                                                   being the personal living and   VIDEO
                                      boxes in a modern-day          However, in advising other
          “We choose the best malls and   fortresses. The vaults are built   entrepreneurs, Sewnarain says,   lifestyle ladder.  (Open the camera on your phone and
        prime spots for our vaults. Our   to international standards and   “You must be bold and have   “If you measure these four   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        first site was selected because   specifications, complete with   courage to launch business   ladders, you will find that your   QR Code to see the video.)


              he Nelson Mandela        While the Mandela Day call   the systemic issues which cause   robust and nutritious, capable    participating malls will have
              Foundation is inviting   to action remains a general call   food insecurity in our country.   of supporting a family of five for   clearly marked signage and a
        Teveryone to join them on     to reach out to those in need,   We believe that getting this right    at least a month.  Mandela Day representative at
        18 July as we honour Madiba’s   this year, the focus will be on   is fundamental to social cohesion   The public is encouraged to   the collection point where people
        birthday by contributing to   the challenge of food security.   and respect for the rule of law.  emulate the campaign in their   can drop off their donations.
        meeting the immediate needs of   Before Covid-19, the statistics                          own ways to ensure that everyone   Lastly, the public is encouraged
        the most vulnerable communities.  showed us that one in four   Each 1 Feed 1 is a food    has access to food this Mandela   to register on the Mandela Day
                                      six-year-olds in South Africa   distribution network championed   Day. We are inviting the public
                                      suffered from stunting due to   by the Nelson Mandela       to donate to the campaign     Global Network on our ForGood
                                      malnutrition. The ravages of the   Foundation that was started at   via our GivenGain platform    platform. Here, you will find
                                                                                                                                pre-vetted NGOs looking for
                                      pandemic will surely worsen this   the beginning of the lockdown to   or by contributing to the Each
                                      devastating reality. By harnessing   support families who have been   1 Feed 1 #4Cans4MandelaDay   volunteers this Mandela Month
                                      the Each1Feed1 programme to   worst affected by the challenge   call to action.           to safely donate time, skills, and
                                      Mandela Day and developing    of food insecurity. Beneficiaries                           resources. The ForGood platform
                                      the 4Cans4MandelaDay          have included child-headed     Over Mandela Month, July     is also an excellent portal to find
                                      campaign, we aim to ensure that   households, orphaned families,   2021, the public is encouraged   ‘microvolunteering’ opportunities
                                      basic foodstuffs reach the most   the elderly, people who are   to contribute to the Each 1 Feed   from the convenience and safety
                                      vulnerable communities this   informally employed in the ECD   1 food distribution network   of home. 
                                      July. In the longer term, we are   workforce as well as people    by donating non-perishable
                                      committed to using our research   living with disabilities. The food   food items at all participating   To stay informed, subscribe to our
                                      and advocacy capacity to address   pack has historically been    malls for Mandela Day. All   newsletter from

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