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                                                                                                                KZN TOP BUSINESS

                                                                                                                             AWARDS 2021

                                                          SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS

        L-R: Hameed Noormahomed, Standard Bank Head Business Client Coverage, KZN; Devin Heffer Brand and Communications Manager · Hollywoodbets and Sidney Reddy, Head of Business
        Acquisition at Standard Bank

        EXCELLENCE IN KZN                                                                                                              SCAN

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                                                                                                                                      TO SEE
              he Standard Bank   and stressed the need for     Seventeen87 Wine Cellar  to work with an amazing   Car Hire, for chauffeuring
              KwaZulu-Natal Top   South African businesses                         group of individuals to   the winners to and from   VIDEO
                                                             Community and Social
        TBusiness Awards         to be anti-fragile when it   ■   Responsibility:    produce our first-ever   the venue, and to our media
        2021 were held on the 10   comes to major shocks to     Toyota South Africa    hybrid awards ceremony.   partners East Coast Radio   (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                                                                     hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        June 2021 at a hybrid event   the global economy.    Motors {Pty) Ltd      Thanks also to Woodford   and The Mercury.”      QR Code to see the video.)
        hosted at the ONOMO
        Hotel, Durban. The annual   The Standard Bank     ■   Family Business:
        awards, now in their     KwaZulu-Natal Top          Hirsch’s
        fifteenth year, celebrate   Business Awards       ■   Business Personality:
        business excellence in   recognise companies        Ashok Sewnarain
        KwaZulu-Natal. As business   and organisations that   ■   Top Brand:
        plays a crucial role in the   integrate responsible     Hollywoodbets
        growth of Africa, Standard   business practice into their
        Bank has been the proud   operations, resulting in   Hameed Noormahomed,
        sponsor of this event for   a positive impact on the   Standard Bank Head
        several years.           economy, community,      Business Client Coverage,
                                 and workplace, creating   KwaZulu-Natal said, “We
        Imraan Noorbhai, Standard   a better life for all in   thank all businesses for
        Bank Head Consumer       KZN. The 2021 event      their agility and resilience
        Client Coverage, KwaZulu-  included a number of new   in forging ahead under             GET YOUR BUSINESS
        Natal emphasised the     categories that reflect the   these challenging times
        bank’s commitment to     challenges businesses    to stimulate and grow our             GROWING WITH OUR
        growing the economy. He   are currently facing. The   economy.”                       BUSINESS CREDIT CARD!
        said, “At Standard Bank   judges had an enormous
        our purpose is defined   task assessing the entries   To ensure compliance
        by ‘Africa is our home we   and obtained much insight   with Covid-19 protocols
        drive her growth’. We aim   into the business heart   only the winners in each
        to make life better for our   of KwaZulu-Natal in the   category were able to attend
        fellow Africans by doing   stories of success that were   the inaugural hybrid event
                                                          to receive their awards
        the right business the right   shared. The arithmetical   in person. South African   Conveniently manage your business spend
        way, contributing to the   accuracy of the judges’                               and improve your business’s cash flow.
        financial wellbeing of our   votes was checked by PKF   sports presenter Thato
        clients, and supporting   Durban.                 Moeng, together with well-    Optimise cash flow and working capital, earn UCount Rewards Points,
                                                          known Durbanite Logie
        sustainable and job creating                      Naidoo, engaged both the     and get world-class reporting with up to 55 days  interest-free.
        growth of the economies   The category winners are:  in-studio audience and
        in which we operate.” ‘It   ■   Business Innovation:    those watching online in    Apply now at
        Can Be’ is Standard Bank’s     Imperial Armour     style.
        promise of hope, change   ■   Entrepreneur Resilience:
        and optimism.              Sihle Ndlela and       CEO of KZN Top
        Keynote speaker            Simphiwe Majozi        Business Grant Adlam            South Africa banks on business.
                                                          said, “Congratulations to
        Dr Ahmed Shaikh,         ■   Digital/System       all participants.  I would     Business banks on us.
        managing director of the     Implementation:      like to express my sincere
        Durban-based REGENT        Plennegy (Pty) Ltd                      appreciation to Standard
        Business School, thought-  ■   Employee Wellbeing:    Bank and all those who
        provoking address          MCS Debt Recovery      helped us make this event
        focused on innovation
                                 ■   Small Business Start-up:    a success. It was a privilege   *Ts&Cs apply. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP15). The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06).

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