Page 4 - The Arc SF RFP 10.18
P. 4

Filice Insurance RFP Response - 2018

        4. How many companies of similar size to our firm do you serve?

           Large Market (999-5,000 employees)             40

           Mid-Market (100-999 employees)

           Small Market (2-100 employees)                 1700

        5. How many companies in our industry do you serve?

         We work with more than 100 nonprofit organizations.

        6. Are there any financial or legal concerns with your firm we should be aware of?

         Our financial stability is best reflected in our long and successful history in the Bay Area, spanning

         over 25 years, and with a unique characteristic of revenue growth every year of our existence.  In
         2017, Filice Insurance had revenues in excess of $37mm, and now as part of the Acrisure network,

         we are part of a $1B+ business entity.

        7. Please confirm you agree to full transparency of commissions and other payments
           from carriers.

         Yes, we absolutely follow the standard of full and complete transparency with commissions and all
         payments from carriers and vendor partners.

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