Page 9 - The Arc SF RFP 10.18
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Filice Insurance RFP Response - 2018
14. Please provide a calendar or list of planned service interactions you recommend in the course
of a year for a client of our size.
For a client the size and complexity of The Arc San Francisco, we typically meet in-person a mini-
mum 1x/quarter, with much more frequent, and often times daily/weekly, phone and email com-
munication. That being said, once we are engaged with The Arc San Francisco, we will determine
the appropriate communication and meeting schedule and medium, and design a process so
that all needs are being met. We are located very close to The Arc San Francisco, and even ad hoc
meetings are very feasible.
15. What is your employee benefits client retention rate, measured by percentage of employee
benefits clients you lose to competitors each year?
Filice’s client retention rate over the last 3 years has averaged 96% with client loss approx 4-5%.
Moreover, we rarely lose a client due to service issues or poor performance; the most common
reason we lose clients is due to M&A activity, or a change in leadership in HR or Finance where the
new professional has a pre-existing relationship.
16. How do you measure customer satisfaction?
Each client has a different set of service needs. We understand that a single service model does
not fit every client. Whenever possible, we meet with our clients to map out a service program that
best addresses their specific needs. We encourage our clients to contact us immediately when an
issue arises. We do not want our clients or their employees spending more than 5-10 minutes on
an issue when Filice can step in and assist with a timely resolution.
Our team’s performance will be evaluated annually. This involves a management evaluation, peer
evaluation and client evaluation. Based on the results we create an action plan that may involve
training to improve skills/expertise and/or shift in resources assigned to a client.