Page 6 - The Culture Report Issue #2
P. 6
The Culture Report
Wwwhat!? I Said Lil Jon donated $70,000 to help get the two schools off the ground.
WWWHHAT!? Nevermind… Okaaayyy!
Until recently, Ghana was considered one of the poorest countries in the world. Over the past
few years, the nation has experienced unprecedented growth and development.
Lil Jon first visited Ghana in October last year, and what he saw on that trip inspired him to pitch
in and help.
"When I saw the conditions where these children were trying to learn, one community they had
a big mango tree and two classes were sitting under the mango tree and that's not a condition
conducive with learning," he told CNN. "Kids are going to get distracted, plus it's extremely hot.
It compelled me to want to do more."
Jon, who has a son in college at New York University, says that being a father influenced his
decision to help.
"Children shouldn't have to suffer for any reason," he said. "One of these kids could grow up to
be a scientist, a lawyer, an astronaut, the president of their country. I could create an
environment where all these things could happen."
Lil Jon, his wife, children, and members of the local
community attended the inauguration of one of the
schools he helped found, which has been dedicated to
the memory of his mother, Carrie Smith.
“It’s pretty crazy to go from last year, around the same
time, talking about getting involved with Pencils of
Promise to build a school and now we’re here in
Ghana and the school is complete,” Jon said.
ANB House of Royalty Publication