Page 145 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 145
Taekwon-Do Pioneers
Kim Bok-Man and Low Koon Lin Reunite in
Malaysia for Historic 2-Day Seminar
Kim Bok-Man,
a legendary influential pioneer of military Tae-
kwon-Do, and Grandmaster Low Koon Lin, the
first non-Korean student of Taekwon-Do, reunited
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a historic 2-day
seminar held on August 29 and 30, 2015 at the
beautiful Thean Hou Temple Grand Ballroom.
The seminar was sponsored by the Malaysia Chun
Kuhn Taekwon-Do Federation and Black Belt
Taekwon-Do Dojang, both of Kuala Lumpur. The
recent seminar is only the second time that Su-
preme Grandmaster Kim and Grandmaster Low
have enjoyed each other’s company in more than
50 years.
Supreme Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man, President
of the World Chun Kuhn Taekwondo Federation,
and Grandmaster Stan C. Swope, Vice President,
were greeted at the Kuala Lumpur International and Master Ow Wee Leong (7th Dan), GTC Ins-
Airport on Wednesday, August 26 by delegates tructor. They were joined for dinner that evening
from the Malaysia Chun Kuhn Taekwon-Do Fe- by Grandmaster Rickie Low Ah Kuan (9th Dan),
deration (MCTF), Black Belt Taekwon-Do Dojang Super Taekwon-Do Academy; and Grandmaster
(BTD) and Greenfield Taekwon-Do Club (GTC). Nelson Bernard Kirby (9th Dan), Visual Martial
Delegates included Grandmaster Dr. Sam Looi Arts, Inc.
Yew Khuen (9th Dan), MCTF President; Master
Don Looi Mun Khuen (7th Dan), MCTF Vice Pre- Supreme Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man’s martial
sident; Senior Master Gary Tong Chee Yong (8th arts legacy in Malaysia and Southeast Asia runs
Dan), MCTF Secretary General; Senior Master deep. From 1963-1964 while General Choi Hong-
Tay Chin Hiong (8th Dan), GTC Chief Instructor; Hi was ambassador to Malaysia, Supreme Grand-
master Kim and General Choi developed