Page 148 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 148


             Supreme Grandmaster Kim taught basic stan-        more. Participants were honored to learn directly
             ces, basic techniques, self-defense and many of   from the pioneer who helped develop the majority
             the Ch’ang Hon patterns during the seminar. For   of the patterns and techniques they practice.
             Supreme Grandmaster Kim, all techniques need      Children and adults were separated into groups
             to be done in a proper, natural way to avoid injury   during the 2-day seminar so that material could
             and improve health. Supreme Grandmaster Kim       be better presented. Grandmaster Stan Swope and
             taught the side risking kick as part of the day’s   Grandmaster Simon Lee lead the children’s group
             kicking drills. This stretch is unique to Supreme   through age-appropriate techniques, self-defense
             Grandmaster Kim’s curriculum and he stresses      and Ch’ang Hon patterns. Grandmaster Swope
             proper technique and alignment of the body; hei-  reminded students to aim small and hit small.
             ght will come naturally once the body and mind    “The students overall – even the children -- had
             have mastered the proper mechanics. Many are      very good patterns and technique,” said Grand-
             able to kick only about knee high when first lear-  master Swope. “Among some of the best I have
             ning this kick, for example. “Here, here or here,”   seen for their ages. They had competent regular

             Supreme Grandmaster Kim marked three different  instruction, which helped them absorb Supreme
             heights with his hand, “not matter. Must be done   Grandmaster Kim’s more advanced information at
             proper way.” Supreme Grandmaster Kim, with the    the seminar,” he added.
             aid of a microphone, gave clear instructions and
             demonstrated each technique step-by-step, slow at  GM Low Koon Lin also taught a short course on
             first, then at proper speed with the help of a volun- basic movement, during the historic seminar.
             teer. Participants were given opportunity to prac-  During the seminar, Supreme Grandmaster Kim
             tice each technique while Supreme Grandmaster     Bok-Man presented a 9th Degree Black Belt from
             Kim, Grandmaster Swope and others helped          the World Chun Kuhn Taekwondo Federation to
             correct errors. Supreme Grandmaster Kim also      his first Malaysian student, Senior Grandmaster
             taught releases from grabs and the Ch’ang Hon     Low Koon Lin, Pioneer and Father of Malaysia
             color belt patterns, always stressing the proper, na-  Taekwon-Do. Nine other black belts were also
             tural way. Supreme Grandmaster Kim helped crea- promoted during the seminar. Promoted to 9th
             te 15 of the 24 Ch’ang Hon patterns in Malaysia in   Dan were Grandmaster Rickie Low Ah Kuan,
             1963-1964, and provided input on as many as four  Grandmaster Nelson Bernard Kirby, and Grand-

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