Page 150 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 150
Master Oh and Dr. Kruk. “Supreme Grandmaster
Kim Bok-Man had so many interesting stories,
ideas and examples that he shared with us that
we talked late into the evening,” said Dr. Kruk.
“Unfortunately, Supreme Grandmaster Kim and
1960s,” said Master Don Looi, Vice President of Grandmaster Swope had to catch the KTX (high
the Malaysia Chun Kuhn Taekwon-Do Federation. speed bullet train) in Daejeon, to make their flight
“It’s not easy to host a gathering of two legendary to the U.S.”
pioneers, five grandmasters and so many seniors
at a single event,” he added. “It was a prestigious Supreme Grandmaster Kim and Grand-
event for all who attended.” master Swope may be contacted by phone
Before returning to the U.S Supreme Grandmaster through the World Chun Kuhn Taekwondo
Kim and Grandmaster Swope visited South Korea. Federation in the United States at:
On 3 September, they met Master Oh Chang-Jin,
Secretary General, and Dr. Zibby Kruk, Inter- (973) 403-0045 or by email at:
national Liaison Chairman, of the International
Taekwon-Do Federation Headquarters - Korea.
They discussed the early history, current state
and future of the art throughout the morning and Interested parties may also visit the World
over lunch. In the afternoon, Dr. Kruk formally Chun Kuhn Taekwondo Federation web sites
interviewed Supreme Grandmaster Kim. They also at:
discussed future collaborations between ITF-HQ
Korea and Supreme Grandmaster Kim’s World
Chun Kuhn Taekwondo Federation.
Supreme Grandmaster Kim gifted copies of his
latest book, Taekwon-Do: Origins of the Art: Bok
Man Kim’s Historic Photospective (1955-2015), to