Page 146 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 146
techniques, created patterns and wrote: taught Grandmaster Low briefly, teaching respon-
sibilities fell to Supreme Grandmaster Kim Bok-
Taekwon-Do: The Art of Self-Defence, the historic Man and Master Woo Jae-Lim. Supreme Grand-
first English textbook, which would be published master Kim taught in Malaysia until 1964 when he
in 1965. From 1964-1966, Supreme Grandmaster was dispatched to Singapore. Supreme Grandmas-
Kim further helped lay the foundation for General ter Kim and Grandmaster Low would next meet
Choi’s International Taekwon-Do Federation by in 2009, and again in 2015 for the recent seminar.
spreading Taekwon-Do throughout much of Sou- The legendary pioneers were happy to meet again.
theast Asia. Supreme Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man While in Kuala Lumpur, Supreme Grandmaster
is often recognized as the Father of Southeast Asia Kim gave interviews at Astro TV Station HQ, to
Taekwon-Do for his efforts. be broadcast on satellite pay TV station Astro
Super Sport; at radio stations LITE FM and HITZ
Supreme Grandmaster Kim, 81, reunited with FM; to Guang Ming Daily newspaper; and to the
Grandmaster Low Koon Lin, 88, for only the Star Daily newspaper. Supreme Grandmaster
second time in more than 50 years on Thursday, Kim answered questions about his martial arts
August 27 for lunch at the historic Sek Yuen Chi- history and the history of Taekwon-Do, descri-
nese Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. Grandmaster bing the early days of Taekwon-Do in the ROK
Low, after witnessing Taekwon-Do at the Korean Army and working with General Choi. He also
Embassy in 1963, approached General Choi and discussed why Malaysia was “the second home of
asked about the martial art. A black belt in Judo, Taekwon-Do,” as General Choi, the first Korean
Grandmaster Low asked to learn Taekwon-Do, Ambassador to Malaysia, once said. General Choi
thus became the “Father of Malaysian Tae- served as Ambassador from 1962 to 1964. During
kwon-Do.” Although General Choi may have the interviews, Supreme Grandmaster Kim also