Page 149 - Martial Science Magazine Special Edition 2015
P. 149
master Dr. Sam Looi Yew Khuen. Promoted to Grandmaster Low Koon Lin to commemorate the
8th Dan was Senior Master Tay Chin Hiong, and historic seminar.
promoted to 7th Dan were Master Dr. Steve Ng
Hong Aik, Master Don Looi Mun Khuen and “The Legendary Taekwon-Do Summit 2015 at
Master Ow Wee Leong. Lee Chew Ging and Liew Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was a huge success,
Pin Huat were promoted to 6th Dan. judging from the various doboks worn by the
participants,” said Grandmaster Dr. Sam Looi Yew
“It is indeed the highest honor to be promoted by Khuen, President of the Malaysia Chun Kuhn
Supreme Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man, the Tae- Taekwon-Do Federation, who organized the event.
kwon-Do pioneer invited to Malaysia by General “We had people from various organizations and
Choi,” said Master Gary Tong, Secretary General styles – Global Taekwon-Do Federation (GTF),
of the Malaysia Chun Kuhn Taekwon-Do Fede- International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF),
ration. “Malaysia became the second home of World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), Hapkido,
Taekwon-Do due to the work that was done here Tang Soo Do, and Chun Kuhn Taekwondo. There
during those pivotal years.” The highest degree was no discrimination against federations, asso-
granted by the late General Choi to any Malaysian ciations, or clubs. This summit was a prime exam-
Taekwon-Do practitioner is 8th Dan (Certificate ple of unity through Taekwon-Do.”
No. M-8-1 and M-8-2).
“I cannot describe the feeling of seeing Supreme
All students received full color certificates signed GM Kim Bok Man and Senior GM Low Koon Lin
by Supreme Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man and being reunited in doboks for both since the