Page 16 - Martial Science August #22-2017
P. 16

The Master

             Symposium of the Year

                 he martial arts day the  nd Hoehle at the beginning  With this motivation rush,
              Tmartial arts event of the  with an honorary award,  the first training sessions
              year  took  place  in  Düssel-   which Hoehle  visibly grate-     started on 10 separate se-
              dorf. For the 14th time the  fully accepted.                      minar surfaces, while the
              Martial Arts Day under the  The speakers and loyalists  Instructors changed on a
              direction  of the organizer  can be seen as the “Who  hourly basis. With great en-
              Bernd Höhle presented mar-       is Who” of the martial arts  thusiasm, everyone trained
              tial arts from all over the  scene - a very special “mas-         together  in various martial
              world. More than a thousand  termind”, including high  arts.
              interested,  attented at this  officials, world champions,
              highlight. More than 60 top  pioneers,  world record hol-         There  was  an  incredible  at-
              speakers from more than 15  ders and high class speakers.         mosphere and motivation
              countries inspired young                                          of all the participants. From
              and  old  athletes  with  their  At the warm up, two team  gentle Tai Chi to the ex-
              knowledge and skills.            world records were success-      hausting MMA, there was
                                               fully carried out. The Judge  the whole range of martial
              Hostess Ismail Hakan Geyik  was multiple world record  arts present. For the kids,
              greeted the guests in the  holder Muhamed Kahrima-                the Martial Arts Day Cham-
              massive hall decorated with  novic, who explained the  pionships offered a competi-
              flags  and  handed  over  to  rules and examined the pro-         tion, where they could com-
              the mayor of the city for the  per sequence and the result.  pete against athletes within
              opening of the charity event.  The record in Push Ups and  their age level in soft sword
              This was followed by a pre-      Sit Ups was clear and was  fighting,  kicking and battle
              sentation of Grandmaster  immediately confirmed. This  cry.
              Hans-Jürgen Eul.                 was a great start for this
                                               event, with a high symbolic  Among the honorary guests
              Grandmaster Sin-Kil Yoon  character of the even Motto:  were MAA honorary Pre-
              presented    organizer    Ber-   “Together we are stronger”.      sident Grandnaster Heinz

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